Watch Uraboku
- 2010
- 1 Season
Uraboku, also known as The Betrayal Knows My Name, is a fantasy anime series produced by Kadokawa Pictures Inc. based on the manga written by Odagiri Hotaru. The anime follows the story of a young boy named Yuki Sakurai, who possesses a special ability to see the memories of others when he touches them. This ability has caused him to be tormented by ghosts since childhood, and he has never been able to fully understand his power.
One day, Yuki meets a mysterious man named Zess, who takes him to a secret world of supernatural beings called the Giou Clan. Yuki discovers that he is actually a reincarnated member of the Giou Clan, and that his power is essential in the fight against the evil demons known as Duras who threaten the world.
With the help of Zess and other members of the Giou Clan, Yuki begins to learn about his past lives and the role he must play in the current war against the Duras. However, Yuki soon realizes that there are those within the Giou Clan who have betrayed them for their own selfish desires, and he must navigate the dangerous political landscape of the supernatural world if he hopes to save it.
Throughout the series, Yuki meets a wide array of characters, each with their own unique powers and personalities. Some of the notable characters include Luka Crosszeria, a powerful Duras who has sworn loyalty to the Giou Clan; Hotsuma Renjou, a brave and loyal member of the Giou Clan who harbors a dark secret; and Tsukumo Murasame, a quiet and reserved member of the Giou Clan who has a special bond with Yuki.
The show is known for its beautiful animation, captivating storyline, and complex characters. It explores themes of love, friendship, betrayal, and redemption, and features many heart-wrenching moments that will leave viewers on the edge of their seats.
Overall, Uraboku is a must-watch for fans of fantasy anime and manga. It offers a unique twist on the traditional good vs. evil storyline, and features a diverse cast of characters that will captivate and entertain viewers from start to finish.