Upright Citizens Brigade Season 1 Episode 10

Ep 10. The Little Donnie Foundation

  • October 28, 1998

Ryan, a young boy suffering from a life-threatening illness, dreams of meeting his idol, comedian Owen Burke. However, his parents cannot afford the expensive tickets to Owen's stand-up show. Determined to make Ryan's dream come true, the Upright Citizens Brigade (UCB) team steps in to help.

The episode begins with the UCB members, Matt Besser, Amy Poehler, Ian Roberts, and Matt Walsh, brainstorming ways to raise money for the Little Donnie Foundation, a charity that helps sick children like Ryan. They decide to hold a benefit show, featuring various comedic performances, including stand-up, improv, and sketch comedy.

As they organize the event, the team also takes on individual tasks. Matt Besser takes charge of securing a venue for the show, navigating through bureaucratic red tape and dealing with a difficult manager who is hesitant to allow the UCB to use his theater. Meanwhile, Amy Poehler reaches out to her vast network of comedian friends, trying to convince them to perform at the benefit show.

Ian Roberts focuses on raising awareness about the event. He visits local schools, speaking to students about the Little Donnie Foundation and encouraging them to attend the benefit show. He even organizes a mini comedy workshop, teaching the students some basic improv techniques, which they thoroughly enjoy.

Simultaneously, Matt Walsh takes up the responsibility of coordinating the event's logistics. From arranging the sound system to ensuring the availability of refreshments, he meticulously plans every detail to guarantee a successful evening.

As the benefit show approaches, the UCB team receives overwhelming support from the comedy community. Comedians such as Tina Fey, Sarah Silverman, and Louis C.K., among others, eagerly sign up to perform at the event. The team is overjoyed by the response and feels confident that they will be able to raise enough money to fulfill Ryan's dream.

On the day of the benefit show, the UCB team, along with their fellow comedians, gather at the theater. The energy is electric, and there is a palpable sense of excitement in the air. Backstage, the performers share jokes, rehearse their routines, and offer each other words of encouragement.

The show kicks off with a series of hilarious stand-up acts, each comedian delivering their unique brand of humor, eliciting roars of laughter from the audience. Next, the UCB improvisers take the stage, engaging in side-splitting interactive sketches, captivating the crowd with their quick wit and spontaneous humor.

The event also features a few surprise celebrity appearances, leaving the audience in absolute awe. The UCB team's hard work pays off as they witness the immense support and generosity of the attendees. The donation boxes fill up quickly, and they are well on their way to making Ryan's dream a reality.

Towards the end of the show, the UCB members come onstage to express their gratitude to the audience, the comedians, and all those who contributed to the success of the benefit show. They announce the total amount raised, which surpasses their initial goal, ensuring that not only will Ryan get to meet Owen Burke, but several other children will benefit from the Little Donnie Foundation.

The episode concludes with a heartwarming moment as Ryan, accompanied by his parents, walks onto the stage, visibly moved and grateful for the UCB team's efforts. He is ecstatic to learn that his dream is about to come true and takes the opportunity to thank everyone personally. Their dedication and selflessness have touched him deeply, leaving a lasting impact on his life.

"The Little Donnie Foundation" episode of Upright Citizens Brigade embodies the spirit of compassion, community, and the power of laughter. Through their comedic talents and unwavering determination, the UCB team demonstrates how unity and generosity can make a significant difference in the lives of those who need it most.

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  • First Aired
    October 28, 1998
  • Language