Ep 3. Mainan Baru (Bag 3)
- March 18, 2012
Upin & Ipin is a Malaysian animated series created by Les' Copaque Production. In the third episode of season six titled "Mainan Baru (Bag 3)," Upin and Ipin receive a brand new toy car. The show follows the two brothers as they explore their new toy car and have fun with their friends.
The episode begins with Upin and Ipin playing with their new toy car in the living room. They race the car around the house and through obstacles, but accidentally break it in the process. They become upset and are unsure what to do.
Their sister, Ros, suggests taking the car to Uncle Muthu's repair shop. Uncle Muthu is a friendly mechanic who enjoys fixing things, and he agrees to repair the toy car. Upin and Ipin are thrilled and can't wait to have their toy car back.
While waiting for the car to be fixed, Upin and Ipin reminisce about their previous toys and hobbies. They recall a time when they used to make kites and fly them together. They decide to make a kite once again and teach their friends how to fly it.
The group of friends head to the park and start making their kite while enjoying the sunny weather. They work together and enjoy spending time with each other. Once the kite is complete, they fly it together and have a great time.
Meanwhile, Uncle Muthu fixes the toy car and calls Upin and Ipin to let them know it's ready. They rush to the shop and are thrilled to see their toy car fixed and functioning like new. Uncle Muthu gives them a few tips on how to take care of the car and the boys promise to be more careful with it in the future.
Excited to test out the toy car, the boys decide to race it against each other once again. They place obstacles around the yard and race their car against one another. It's a close race, but eventually, Upin comes out as the winner.
The episode ends with the boys getting ready for bed and reminiscing about their day. They realize that even though they broke their toy car, they were able to spend quality time with their friends and enjoy other activities. They vow to continue to create memories together and appreciate the time they have with each other.
Overall, "Mainan Baru (Bag 3)" is a heartwarming episode that showcases the importance of friendship and spending time with loved ones. Upin and Ipin learn a valuable lesson about taking care of their belongings and not taking things for granted. The show promotes positive values and is a great choice for children and families to enjoy together.