Unsung Heroes of World War II: Europe

Watch Unsung Heroes of World War II: Europe

  • 2020
  • 1 Season

Unsung Heroes of World War II: Europe from The Great Courses Signature Collection is an educational and informative television series that showcases the seldom-told stories of ordinary people who became extraordinary heroes during WWII. This series is hosted by Lynne Olson, author of several books on WWII, including "Last Hope Island" and "Citizens of London."

Each episode of Unsung Heroes of World War II: Europe delves into the personal stories of people who made significant contributions to the war effort, but whose names are not widely known. The show examines the lives of soldiers, spies, resistance fighters, scientists, and others who worked tirelessly behind the scenes to help turn the tide of the war in favor of the Allies.

Lynne Olson guides viewers through the historical events and contextualizes the heroism of these individuals. Her vast knowledge of the war and its many complexities adds depth and richness to the storytelling. She points out how the contributions of ordinary people, who had the courage to fight against oppression and tyranny, directly impacted the outcome of the war.

Throughout the episodes, we meet people such as Noor Inayat Khan, a British spy who worked with the French Resistance and was ultimately captured and executed by the Nazis. We also learn about the work of the "Monuments Men," a group of soldiers assigned to protect Europe's cultural heritage from destruction by the Nazis. The series discusses the contributions of American journalists, such as William Shirer, who risked their lives to report on the atrocities of the war. We also meet soldiers like George Luz and Wild Bill Guarnere from the 101st Airborne Division known as the Band of Brothers.

Each episode of Unsung Heroes of World War II: Europe is packed with historical footage and photographs, making the show visually captivating. In addition, interviews with historians, family members of the heroes, and other experts lend further insight into the contributions and sacrifices made by ordinary people during World War II.

One notable aspect of the show is its exploration of the contributions of women during the war. With a focus on women spies and resistance fighters, the series highlights the invaluable role they played in gathering intelligence, sabotaging Nazi operations, and helping Allied soldiers escape. We learn about the courageous actions of women like Christine Granville and Nancy Wake, who became known as "The White Mouse," for her ability to evade the Nazis.

Overall, Unsung Heroes of World War II: Europe from The Great Courses Signature Collection is an illuminating and compelling series that sheds light on the often-overlooked contributions of ordinary people during WWII. The personal stories of these heroes demonstrate the incredible strength and resilience of the human spirit, and serve as a testament to what can be accomplished when people come together for a greater cause. Whether you are a history buff or simply looking to learn more about the heroes of WWII, this series is a must-watch.

Unsung Heroes of World War II: Europe is a series that ran for 1 seasons (12 episodes) between October 9, 2020 and on The Great Courses Signature Collection

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Where to Watch Unsung Heroes of World War II: Europe
Unsung Heroes of World War II: Europe is available for streaming on the The Great Courses Signature Collection website, both individual episodes and full seasons. You can also watch Unsung Heroes of World War II: Europe on demand at Amazon Prime and Amazon.
  • Premiere Date
    October 9, 2020