Watch Undercover
- 2019
- 3 Seasons
7.8 (20,993)
Undercover is a gripping Belgian-Dutch crime drama series that has gained immense popularity since its release on Netflix in 2019. The show follows two undercover agents who work to infiltrate a drug cartel, and their dangerous journey unfolds over ten episodes. The series begins with a brief introduction of the two lead characters, Bob Lemmens (played by Tom Waes) and Kim De Rooij (played by Anna Drijver). Bob is an experienced Belgian undercover agent, known for his impressive ability to blend in with criminal networks. Meanwhile, Kim is a young and ambitious Dutch undercover agent who is on her first assignment. The main plot is set up when the Flemish Federal Judicial Police approach Bob with a mission to infiltrate a large-scale ecstasy production facility run by Dutch criminal mastermind Ferry Bouman (played by Frank Lammers) in the Netherlands. With Kim as his partner, Bob sets out to gather evidence against Ferry.
As the story progresses, the show provides glimpses into the personal lives of the main characters; Bob's tragic past, Kim's struggles with her past relationships and anxieties about the job, and Ferry's complicated relationship with his wife Danielle and his counterpart John. The show manages to balance these personal storylines alongside the mission at hand, easily building an emotional investment within the audience.
Undercover captures the complexities of modern-day crime, where drug trafficking networks are secretive and enigmatic organizations. It also sheds light on law enforcement challenges that come with tackling such networks. The storyline revolves around the inner workings of a drug cartel, highlighting the difficulty in cracking down such organizations where everyone is aware of their possible arrest, and trust is a key element of success. The show features a host of dive - bar settings, raves, and electric soundtracks that add suspense and heart-pumping action to the plot.
The series effectively sets the tone for intense, high-stakes undercover work, with the stakes frequently raised through each passing episode. The thrill elements of the show build up through the first half and intensify in the latter half of the series. Not only does the show have a strong plot that keeps the audience hooked, but it also has an excellent cast that genuinely lives up to their characters' demands.
Tom Waes delivers a strong performance as Bob, his weathered visage and gruff voice is perfectly suited for his character, and his experience is evident on screen. Anna Drijver, although relatively new to undercover work, portrays Kim with great depth, displaying the uncertainty of her character skillfully. Frank Lammers is the standout performance of the series. He is playing Ferry; the drug lord is charismatic, intense, and oozes danger in every scene he's in. The character has the perfect balance of likability and untrust to give him a dangerous utopia.
Overall, with a gripping plot, strong performances, and plenty of twists and turns, Undercover is a must-watch for fans of crime dramas who are searching for a suspenseful, well-crafted series. It proves that with strong acting performances, a well-crafted storyline, and apt direction; language barriers can easily be overcome, making Undercover the perfect example of a perfect crime drama. The show has already received a renewal for its fourth season, indicating its immense success and popularity.
Undercover is a series that ran for 3 seasons (28 episodes) between February 24, 2019 and on Netflix