Ep 2. Solitary King
- January 31, 2020
Unauthorized Living season 2 episode 2, titled "Solitary King," follows the story of Nemo Bandeira, a wealthy drug lord who is running out of options due to his failing health and the looming threat of an enigmatic rival cartel. Nemo has always been the king of his world, but now he finds himself trapped in a prison of his own making as he struggles to maintain his power and protect his family.
In this episode, we see Nemo grappling with his own mortality as his health continues to deteriorate. He has always been a ruthless and cunning businessman, but his body is beginning to betray him. Nemo's right-hand man, Mario Mendoza, is doing his best to keep the business running smoothly and keep Nemo's rivals at bay, but even he is starting to worry that things are spiraling out of control.
Meanwhile, Nemo's daughter, Barbara, is trying to find her place in the business. She has always lived in the shadow of her father, but now she is determined to prove herself and take on more responsibility. However, her efforts are met with resistance from some of the more old-school members of the organization, who do not believe a young woman should be making decisions for the cartel.
As tensions continue to mount, Nemo is forced to make some difficult decisions. He knows that he cannot hold on to his power forever, but he is not ready to give it up just yet. The episode culminates in a tense confrontation between Nemo and his rival, who has been slowly encroaching on Nemo's territory and threatening his family. Nemo's strength and resolve are put to the test as he fights to protect his legacy and maintain his position as the king of the cartel.
Overall, "Solitary King" is a gritty and suspenseful episode that delves deeper into the complex world of drug trafficking and organized crime. It explores themes of power, family, and mortality as Nemo and his associates navigate the treacherous waters of their dangerous profession. Fans of the show will be on the edge of their seats as the stakes continue to rise and the tension mounts.