Ep 3. Episodio 3
- October 8, 2018
7.0 (110)
Unauthorized Living is a Spanish crime drama television series that premiered on Netflix in 2018. The show revolves around a powerful drug lord named Nemo Bandeira, who is diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. He decides to retire from the business and hand it over to his successor, but his decision is met with resistance from his family and rivals. The series is filled with suspense, drama, and unexpected twists that keep the audience on the edge of their seats.
Episode 3 of Unauthorized Living season 1 is titled Episodio 3. The episode starts with Nemo facing challenges from his own family as they refuse to accept his decision to retire and hand over the business to the capable successor, Mario. The Bandeira family has been involved in the drug business for decades, and some of the family members have their own personal interests in the business. They fear that Mario might take away their power and money, and that they might lose control over the business, which is why they try to undermine Nemo's decision by plotting against Mario.
Meanwhile, Mario is faced with the task of covering up the death of a police officer who tried to intercept a shipment. He is supported by Corina, the head of Nemo's legal team, who helps him evade the police and come up with a plan to dispose of the body. Mario is able to successfully carry out the plan, but he feels conflicted about having to kill the officer and wonders if there could have been another way to resolve the situation.
At the same time, Nemo's health continues to deteriorate, and he struggles to remember important details about his past and the business. He starts to rely on his loyal assistant, Tania, to help him manage his affairs and keep him from making any costly mistakes. However, Tania's loyalty is tested when Nemo asks her to go against Mario and support his family's efforts to take over the business.
As tensions rise between Nemo's family and Mario, they decide to hold a meeting to discuss the future of the business. However, things quickly take a turn for the worse when one of Nemo's family members is attacked, and Mario is blamed for the incident. This leads to a heated argument between Mario and Nemo's family, who accuse him of being a traitor and not having the best interests of the family at heart.
In the end, the episode leaves the audience wondering what will become of Nemo's business and who will ultimately take control. The characters' motivations and allegiances are constantly shifting, making it difficult to predict who will come out on top. Episodio 3 is filled with intense moments and character development, which make it a must-watch for fans of the series.