Ep 1. Episodio 1
- September 24, 2018
7.0 (135)
Unauthorized Living (also known as Vivir Sin Permiso) is a Spanish crime thriller television series that premiered on Telecinco on Monday, September 24, 2018. The show revolves around Nemo Bandeira, played by José Coronado, the charismatic head of a powerful family in the Galician town of Oeste who must deal with the challenges that come with running a powerful drug empire. In Episodio 1, we are introduced to Nemo and his world as he faces the biggest threat to his power yet.
The episode begins with Nemo's arrival in Madrid, where he meets his daughter Lara, played by Lupe del Junco. He is there to attend the wedding of one of his grandson's, but he is clearly uneasy, and we soon see why. While Nemo has been running his empire from afar, he has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's, and he is starting to show signs of confusion and memory loss. He fears losing control of his business and power, but he keeps this secret from everyone, even Lara, who knows nothing of his criminal activities.
At the wedding, we meet some of the other members of Nemo's family, including his wife Chon, played by Pilar Castro, and his grandsons Mario, Rober, and Alejandro, played by Carlos Hipólito, Unax Ugalde, and Álex González, respectively. While they all seem like a happy family on the surface, we soon learn that there are tensions and rivalries simmering beneath the surface. Mario, the oldest grandson and heir to the empire, resents Nemo's control and is eager to take over. Rober, the middle grandson, is more content to work for Nemo, but he is struggling with drug addiction, which threatens to derail everything. Alejandro, the youngest grandson, is the black sheep of the family and has been estranged from Nemo for years.
As the wedding festivities continue, we see Nemo's power and connections in action. He meets with other powerful figures in the criminal underworld and negotiates deals, all while keeping a watchful eye on his grandsons. But his illness is starting to affect his judgment, and he becomes increasingly paranoid and forgetful. He has a close call when some rival gang members try to take him out, but he manages to escape thanks to his quick thinking and loyal bodyguard, Tano, played by Luis Zahera.
The episode ends with Nemo returning to Galicia and confronting some of the challenges that await him there. He must deal with his rival, the corrupt mayor of Oeste, as well as the discovery of a missing shipment of drugs. But most importantly, he must navigate the treacherous waters of his own family, as tensions boil over and conflicts come to a head.
Overall, Episodio 1 sets the stage for the rest of the season, introducing us to the complex world of the Bandeira family and the powerful and dangerous criminal underworld they inhabit. While it is clear that Nemo is still a force to be reckoned with, his illness and the conflicts within his own family present a formidable challenge that will surely test his limits. This is a gripping and suspenseful thriller that will keep you hooked from beginning to end.