Watch Ugly Beauty
- 2009
- 1 Season
The show Ugly Beauty is a fascinating and thought-provoking documentary series produced by the BBC Select that explores the paradoxical relationship between beauty and ugliness in our society. It delves deep into the psychological, cultural, and social factors that shape our perceptions of what is beautiful and what is not.
The show is divided into six episodes, each of them covering a different aspect of the topic. The first episode, "Invisible Ugliness," introduces the concept of ugliness and how it is perceived by people who do not fit the conventional ideals of beauty. It presents several case studies of people who have experienced discrimination and prejudice because of their physical appearance, such as overweight people, people with disabilities, or people with unconventional features.
The second episode, "The Nature of Beauty," explores the evolutionary and biological factors that determine our attraction to certain physical characteristics. It examines the role of symmetry, averageness, and sexual dimorphism in shaping our preferences and the impact of beauty standards on our mate selection.
The third episode, "The Beauty Myth," investigates the cultural and social forces that perpetuate specific beauty standards and the impact of the beauty industry on individuals and society. It scrutinizes the impact of gender, race, class, and ethnicity on beauty ideals and the correlation between beauty and power.
The fourth episode, "The Art of Ugliness," discusses the paradoxical relationship between beauty and ugliness in the art world. It examines the role of art and literature in challenging traditional aesthetic norms and the emergence of new aesthetic paradigms that embrace the imperfect and the unconventional.
The fifth episode, "The Beauty Industry," investigates the business side of beauty and how it has become a multi-billion dollar industry that shapes our global economy. It explores the marketing strategies, market segmentation, and product development in the industry and the ethical and environmental impact of the beauty market.
The final episode, "The Faces of Ugliness," looks at the physiological and psychological effects of ugliness on individuals and society. It examines the link between physical appearance and mental health, the importance of self-acceptance and self-esteem, and the role of collective action in challenging beauty norms and promoting diversity and inclusivity.
Overall, Ugly Beauty is a highly entertaining and informative show that combines scientific research, personal stories, and cultural analysis to shed light on one of the most intriguing and complex aspects of human experience. It challenges our assumptions about beauty and ugliness and encourages us to embrace diversity and difference in all forms.