
Watch Twogether

  • 2020
  • 1 Season
  • 8.4  (588)

Twogether is a travel/variety show that premiered on Netflix in June 2020. The show features two popular actors from different Asian countries- Lee Seung-gi from South Korea and Jasper Liu from Taiwan. The two actors come together for the first time on this show in order to travel across Asia and meet their fans.

The premise of Twogether is quite simple, yet intriguing. The two actors receive a series of challenges from their fans across Asia, and they have to complete them together. The catch is that they have to communicate with each other in English, despite the fact that neither of them is a native speaker. As they travel together, they also get to experience the different cultures and cuisines of various countries.

The show begins with an introductory episode that shows Lee Seung-gi and Jasper Liu preparing for their journey. They are shown learning English separately and discussing their expectations for the trip. The chemistry between them is evident from the very beginning, and their genuine excitement for the trip is contagious.

The first destination that the two actors visit is Yogyakarta in Indonesia. Here, they are given their first challenge by their fans- to find a traditional dish called Gudeg. They have to navigate the city and interact with the locals in order to find this dish. In the process, they also try out other local delicacies such as Bakmi Jowo and Kopi Joss. The interactions between Lee Seung-gi and Jasper Liu are a lot of fun to watch as they attempt to communicate with each other in English.

The next destination is Bangkok in Thailand, where they visit the famous Wat Arun temple. Here, their challenge is to make a merit offering by lighting incense and praying. They also visit a street food market, and are given another challenge to find the best Pad Thai in the city. In Bangkok, they also get to experience the nightlife and try out Muay Thai boxing.

The third destination is Taipei in Taiwan, where Jasper Liu gets to show Lee Seung-gi around his hometown. They visit the Taipei 101 tower, which is one of the tallest buildings in the world. Their challenge in Taipei is to create a song with a local musician, and perform it in front of a live audience. The song that they come up with is quite catchy, and it's evident that they had a lot of fun creating it.

The final destination is the pair's most challenging one yet, as they visit a rural area in China. Here, they have to do several physical activities such as rock climbing, zip-lining, and running across a bamboo bridge. They also have to try out some unique local delicacies such as stinky tofu and century eggs. In this episode, we see the two actors pushing themselves out of their comfort zones and encouraging each other.

Throughout the show, Lee Seung-gi and Jasper Liu's friendship grows as they embark on this adventure together. They face language barriers, cultural differences, and various challenges, but they always manage to make the best of things. The show is heartwarming, funny, and entertaining, and it's a great way for viewers to experience the diversity of Asia.

In conclusion, Twogether is a travel/variety show that brings together two charming actors from different Asian countries. Lee Seung-gi and Jasper Liu's chemistry is undeniable, and their adventures across Asia are fun and engaging to watch. The challenges that they face are creative and unique, and they offer viewers a glimpse into the different cultures and lifestyles of various countries. If you're a fan of travel shows or just looking for something light and entertaining, Twogether is definitely worth checking out.

Twogether is a series that ran for 1 seasons (8 episodes) between June 26, 2020 and on Netflix

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Episode 8
8. Episode 8
June 26, 2020
The buddies land in historic Kathmandu, Nepal, for a final adventure. Later, they board a Han River water taxi in Seoul to meet one last fan.
Episode 7
7. Episode 7
June 26, 2020
Bad weather threatens the success of Seung-gi and Jasper's trip to Pokhara, Nepal, where they hope to catch a glimpse of majestic Annapurna.
Episode 6
6. Episode 6
June 26, 2020
As they compete against each other to find their Chiang Mai fan, Seung-gi realizes that his wily ways may have rubbed off on Jasper.
Episode 5
5. Episode 5
June 26, 2020
After exploring the Damnoen Saduak floating market, the pair head to Chiang Mai, Thailand, where they go head-to-head in a goofy water bicycle race.
Episode 4
4. Episode 4
June 26, 2020
Playing games for clues in Bangkok's bustling streets and night markets, Seung-gi and Jasper meet other tourists and get a kick out of ax-throwing.
Episode 3
3. Episode 3
June 26, 2020
In sunny Bali, Jasper dives into harpoon fishing while Seung-gi takes off paragliding. Their day ends with a not-so-relaxing couples yoga class.
Episode 2
2. Episode 2
June 26, 2020
An educational tour of Prambanan Temple ends with a dizzying pop quiz. Afterward, Seung-gi and Jasper draw a crowd as they play badminton with locals.
Episode 1
1. Episode 1
June 26, 2020
The caves of Yogyakarta, Indonesia, offer a wondrous spectacle and tubing experience for the new pals as they search for clues to find their fan.

Twogether is a travel/variety show that premiered on Netflix in June 2020. The show features two popular actors from different Asian countries- Lee Seung-gi from South Korea and Jasper Liu from Taiwan. The two actors come together for the first time on this show in order to travel across Asia and meet their fans.

The premise of Twogether is quite simple, yet intriguing. The two actors receive a series of challenges from their fans across Asia, and they have to complete them together. The catch is that they have to communicate with each other in English, despite the fact that neither of them is a native speaker. As they travel together, they also get to experience the different cultures and cuisines of various countries.

The show begins with an introductory episode that shows Lee Seung-gi and Jasper Liu preparing for their journey. They are shown learning English separately and discussing their expectations for the trip. The chemistry between them is evident from the very beginning, and their genuine excitement for the trip is contagious.

The first destination that the two actors visit is Yogyakarta in Indonesia. Here, they are given their first challenge by their fans- to find a traditional dish called Gudeg. They have to navigate the city and interact with the locals in order to find this dish. In the process, they also try out other local delicacies such as Bakmi Jowo and Kopi Joss. The interactions between Lee Seung-gi and Jasper Liu are a lot of fun to watch as they attempt to communicate with each other in English.

The next destination is Bangkok in Thailand, where they visit the famous Wat Arun temple. Here, their challenge is to make a merit offering by lighting incense and praying. They also visit a street food market, and are given another challenge to find the best Pad Thai in the city. In Bangkok, they also get to experience the nightlife and try out Muay Thai boxing.

The third destination is Taipei in Taiwan, where Jasper Liu gets to show Lee Seung-gi around his hometown. They visit the Taipei 101 tower, which is one of the tallest buildings in the world. Their challenge in Taipei is to create a song with a local musician, and perform it in front of a live audience. The song that they come up with is quite catchy, and it's evident that they had a lot of fun creating it.

The final destination is the pair's most challenging one yet, as they visit a rural area in China. Here, they have to do several physical activities such as rock climbing, zip-lining, and running across a bamboo bridge. They also have to try out some unique local delicacies such as stinky tofu and century eggs. In this episode, we see the two actors pushing themselves out of their comfort zones and encouraging each other.

Throughout the show, Lee Seung-gi and Jasper Liu's friendship grows as they embark on this adventure together. They face language barriers, cultural differences, and various challenges, but they always manage to make the best of things. The show is heartwarming, funny, and entertaining, and it's a great way for viewers to experience the diversity of Asia.

In conclusion, Twogether is a travel/variety show that brings together two charming actors from different Asian countries. Lee Seung-gi and Jasper Liu's chemistry is undeniable, and their adventures across Asia are fun and engaging to watch. The challenges that they face are creative and unique, and they offer viewers a glimpse into the different cultures and lifestyles of various countries. If you're a fan of travel shows or just looking for something light and entertaining, Twogether is definitely worth checking out.

Twogether is a series that ran for 1 seasons (8 episodes) between June 26, 2020 and on Netflix

Where to Watch Twogether
Twogether is available for streaming on the Netflix website, both individual episodes and full seasons. You can also watch Twogether on demand at Netflix.
  • Premiere Date
    June 26, 2020
  • IMDB Rating
    8.4  (588)
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