Watch Tsukimonogatari
- 2014
- 1 Season
7.5 (1,954)
Tsukimonogatari is an anime series produced by Aniplex in 2014, and it belongs to the Monogatari franchise, based on a series of light novels written by Nisio Isin. The show follows the story of its protagonist, a high school student named Koyomi Araragi. The story takes place after the events of the third season of the Monogatari series, called Owarimonogatari. In Tsukimonogatari, Araragi is ever more intrigued by his supernatural experiences, and he seeks to investigate a mysterious entity known as the "Darkness." Araragi encounters several girls who have been affected by the Darkness, including one of his former love interests, Yotsugi Ononoki.
One of the most remarkable aspects of Tsukimonogatari is its animation style. The show features a unique blend of hand-drawn and computer-generated imagery, which creates a visually striking effect. The animation is detailed and fluid, with dynamic camera angles and a vivid color palette that adds to the series's overall aesthetic appeal.
The show's soundtrack is also noteworthy. The music is composed by Satoru Kousaki, who worked on many other anime series, including The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya and Lucky Star. The soundtrack complements the animation with atmospheric and haunting melodies that create a sense of mystery and tension.
Another highlight of the series is its voice acting. The show features an all-star cast of voice actors, including Takehito Koyasu, Hiroshi Kamiya, and Saori Hayami. Koyasu portrays Deishuu Kaiki, a con-artist who represents himself as a specialist in supernatural phenomena. Kamiya voices Koyomi Araragi, the protagonist who is often caught in supernatural incidents. Hayami plays Yotsugi Ononoki, a lanky girl who appears to be a doll, and who is one of the key characters in Tsukimonogatari.
Tsukimonogatari consists of four episodes, each lasting around 25 minutes. The show's pacing is relatively slow, compared to other action-packed anime series. The dialogue-heavy scenes may be challenging for some viewers, but the show's intriguing plot and enigmatic characters make it worth watching.
The show's themes revolve around identity, isolation, and self-acceptance. The characters in Tsukimonogatari often struggle with their identities and try to find their places in the world. Some characters are detached from society, choosing to live secluded lives, while others seek attention and recognition. The show explores the complexities of these issues and offers compelling insight into the human psyche.
Overall, Tsukimonogatari is an engaging anime series that offers a distinctive blend of animation, music, and voice acting. The show's supernatural elements and enigmatic characters make it a must-watch for fans of the Monogatari franchise. However, viewers who are not familiar with the Monogatari series may find it challenging to understand the show's complex plot and character relationships. Despite this, Tsukimonogatari is a unique and captivating anime that is worth watching for its visual and auditory appeal, as well as its thought-provoking themes.