Watch True: Magical Friends
- TV-Y
- 2018
- 1 Season
True: Magical Friends is an animated children's television show that follows the adventures of a young girl named True, and her close friends - Bartleby, Grizelda, Zee, and Rainbow King. True is a cheerful and optimistic girl who lives in the whimsical Rainbow Kingdom, a magical land populated by fantastical creatures such as mermaids, talking animals, and unicorns. The show is known for its colorful visuals, catchy music, and positive messages that promote self-expression, empathy, and inclusivity.
Each episode of True: Magical Friends typically revolves around a problem or challenge that True and her friends must solve together. These challenges can range from rescuing stranded mermaids, to helping a shy creature find their voice, to stopping a mischievous villain from causing trouble. The main characters use their unique abilities and personalities to work together and overcome these obstacles. For example, True's kindness and empathy often help her to understand and connect with other creatures, while Bartleby's strength and bravery allow him to physically protect his friends from danger.
One of the strengths of True: Magical Friends is its diverse cast of characters, each with their own unique traits and skills. Grizelda, for example, is a plucky inventor who is always coming up with creative solutions to problems. Zee is a shy creature who is nervous around others but has a beautiful singing voice that she shares with her friends when she feels comfortable. Rainbow King, the ruler of the Rainbow Kingdom, is a wise and compassionate leader who helps guide his friends when they encounter difficulties.
Another notable aspect of the show is its focus on music and dance. Each episode features an original song that ties into the theme or message of the episode. The characters often break out into dance routines or sing together, adding to the show's joyous and upbeat atmosphere.
Overall, True: Magical Friends is a charming and entertaining show that is perfect for young children. Its colorful visuals, positive messages, and lovable characters make it a standout in the crowded world of children's television.
True: Magical Friends is a series that ran for 1 seasons (5 episodes) between June 15, 2018 and on