Ep 1. Super Duper Dance Party
True and the Rainbow Kingdom is a popular animated series for preschoolers that premiered in 2017. The show is set in the titular Rainbow Kingdom, a vibrant and colorful land full of magical creatures. The main character is a young girl named True, who lives in a house located in the heart of the kingdom. True's best friend is a cat-like creature named Bartleby, who accompanies her on her adventures.
The very first episode of season 1 of True and the Rainbow Kingdom is titled "Super Duper Dance Party". The episode opens with True and Bartleby preparing for a dance party that they are throwing for all of their friends in the Rainbow Kingdom. They invite a variety of colorful characters to the party, including a group of dancing mushrooms, a musical spider, and a jellyfish DJ named DJ Jelly.
As the guests arrive, True and Bartleby welcome them to the party and encourage everyone to dance and have fun. The music starts to play, and the characters begin to groove to the beat. However, trouble soon arises when a troublemaker named Grizelda shows up uninvited and starts ruining the party.
Grizelda is a grumpy and mean-spirited woman who lives in a castle on the outskirts of the Rainbow Kingdom. She is known for her love of mischief, and she enjoys causing chaos wherever she goes. When she arrives at True's dance party, she starts doing her best to spoil everyone's fun. She steals the music, extinguishes the lights, and knocks over the decorations.
True is upset at first when Grizelda starts ruining the party, but she soon realizes that Grizelda is just lashing out because she feels left out. True decides to be kind to Grizelda, and she invites her to join the party. At first, Grizelda is resistant, but True insists that everyone is welcome to dance and have fun.
As Grizelda starts to participate in the dance party, she begins to loosen up and let go of her grumpiness. True and Bartleby work together to make sure that everyone is having a good time, and they help Grizelda feel like she belongs. By the end of the episode, Grizelda is happily dancing along with everyone else, and the party is a huge success.
"Super Duper Dance Party" is a fun, lighthearted episode that teaches kids about the power of kindness and inclusivity. True's willingness to include Grizelda in the party serves as a reminder that everyone deserves to be treated with compassion, even those who are difficult to get along with at first. The episode also features lots of bright colors, catchy music, and adorable characters that are sure to keep young viewers engaged and entertained. Overall, it's a great start to what promises to be a fantastic season of True and the Rainbow Kingdom.