Ep 13. Android Love
- June 3, 2004
- 21 min
6.9 (32)
Captain's Log, stardate unknown (because Whip shorted out the main computer with a fluid so disgusting I don't even want to know what it is).While I battled an antifreeze hangover (gotta remember not to let Whip label things in the liquor cabinet), T'Nuk took Six to a strip club to watch a bunch of robotic hunks shake their lugnuts. One of the degenerates performing in the club was Six's former fellow slave, Ten.Ready for the kicker? When Ten and the other sexbots decided to escape from their enforced employment after the show, Six went with them! Why, God, why? Is it because I hit you with my starship at the beginning of time? I thought we sorted that out. ... How could she do this to me? How could she help that jury-rigged gigolo Ten steal my shuttle?There was also the minor inconvenience of losing my sexbot. Luckily, I got a great deal on a new sex slave named Angel. So my problem was already half-solved.I was eagerly awaiting Miss Angel's delivery when a gi-normous freckin' bounty hunter beamed aboard instead. He was tracking Ten, and now he was after Six, too. T'Nuk, ever the genius, accidentally handed him the exact coordinates of the shuttle. Looking on the bright side, I figured things couldn't get any worse. I was wrong. Angel waltzed in and hit on the damn bounty hunter instead of on me. My new sex slave was totally defective. (The story of my life, apparently.)My hangover was starting to seem like the high point of my day.After the bounty hunter left to find Six an...