Tractor Tom Season 1 Episode 15
Tractor Tom
Season 1

Ep 15. Mo's Low

  • January 1, 1970
  • 11 min

The episode Mo's Low from season 1 of Tractor Tom follows the busy life of Tractor Tom and his farm animal friends. In this episode, the focus is on Mo the Mole, who is feeling quite low. Mo is a valued member of the farm community, but he is having trouble seeing his own worth.

Tractor Tom and his friends Jumping Jack and Midge - a clever sheep and a talented bird, respectively - try to help Mo feel better. They take him on a tour of the farm, showing him how much he contributes to the ecosystem. They explain how Mo's tunnels aerate the soil and help water filter through it, and how his digging creates nutrient-rich topsoil.

Despite their efforts, Mo is still feeling down. Tractor Tom decides to intervene and takes Mo for a joyride on his tractor. As they zoom around the fields, Tractor Tom explains that everyone has bad days, but friendships and support can make all the difference. Mo starts to perk up, enjoying the sunshine and fresh air as they ride.

As they drive past a field of flowers, Tractor Tom has an idea. They stop the tractor, and he invites Mo to help him plant a wildflower garden. Mo agrees, and they work together to scatter the seeds over the field. As they work, Tractor Tom imparts some more wisdom. He tells Mo that life can be tough, but there is always something positive to focus on. He reminds Mo that he is a valuable member of the farm community, and that everyone appreciates his hard work.

As they finish planting, Tractor Tom surprises Mo with a party. All of Mo's friends gather to celebrate him and his contribution to the farm. Mo is overjoyed, and he realizes that he has a support system of friends who care about him.

The episode closes with Mo happily settling into his new garden, surrounded by his friends. Tractor Tom and the others wave goodbye, having helped Mo feel better about himself and his place on the farm.

Overall, Mo's Low is a charming episode of Tractor Tom that teaches important lessons about self-worth and the power of friendship. Through its colorful animation and engaging storytelling, it delivers a positive message for children and adults alike.

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  • First Aired
    January 1, 1970
  • Runtime
    11 min
  • Language