Tractor Tom Season 1 Episode 11
Tractor Tom
Season 1

Ep 11. A Job for Buzz

  • January 1, 1970
  • 11 min

Tractor Tom is a children's animated television series that follows the adventures of a friendly and hardworking tractor named Tom and his group of farm animal friends. In season 1 episode 11, titled "A Job for Buzz," the gang is in need of a new storage shed, and they enlist the help of their new friend Buzz, a buzzing bee.

As always, Tom and his friends are working hard to keep their farm running smoothly and efficiently. However, with the arrival of a new shipment of supplies, they quickly realize that they are running out of storage space. In a stroke of luck, they meet Buzz, a friendly and helpful bee who introduces himself and offers to lend a hand.

Buzz explains to the group that he has a knack for building and constructing things, and offers to design and build them a new storage shed. Tom and his friends are initially hesitant to trust Buzz with such an important task, but soon realize that he is truly talented and eager to help.

Over the course of the episode, Buzz works tirelessly to construct the new shed, using his buzzing skills to measure and cut the wood with precision. Tom and his friends do their part by gathering and hauling the necessary materials, but it is clear that Buzz is the true mastermind behind the project.

As the days pass and the shed comes together, Tom and his friends begin to admire Buzz's hard work and dedication. They marvel at his ability to work tirelessly, buzz around the farm, and still find the time to enjoy the little things in life, like nectar and pollen.

Finally, the day of the big reveal arrives, and Tom and his friends gather to see the finished product. They are amazed by Buzz's handiwork, and grateful for his help.

In the end, Buzz proves to be a valuable member of the team, and Tom and his friends learn an important lesson about teamwork and the power of working together to achieve a common goal. The episode ends with Tom and his friends giving Buzz a warm round of applause, thanking him for his hard work, and promising to work together again in the future.

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  • First Aired
    January 1, 1970
  • Runtime
    11 min
  • Language