Tom der Abschleppwagen Season 3 Episode 7

Ep 7. Matt das Polizeiauto bricht sich die Federn! / Rocky die Rakete fliegt in eine Hauswand! / Pickle der Pickup hat geplatzte Reifen! / Francis der Gabelstabler hatte einen Unfall!

  • April 25, 2018
  • 19 min

Tom der Abschleppwagen season 3 episode 7, titled "Matt das Polizeiauto bricht sich die Federn! / Rocky die Rakete fliegt in eine Hauswand! / Pickle der Pickup hat geplatzte Reifen! / Francis der Gabelstabler hatte einen Unfall!", brings another exciting and eventful day in the life of our beloved tow truck, Tom. In this episode, Tom finds himself confronted with multiple vehicle mishaps that require his expertise and quick thinking to save the day.

The episode begins with Tom receiving an urgent distress call from Matt, the police car. As Tom quickly arrives at the scene, he discovers that Matt has broken his springs while chasing down a notorious car thief. With Matt unable to move, Tom carefully attaches his trusty tow hook to Matt's front bumper. Together, they navigate through the busy city streets, as Tom carefully tows the police car back to the repair garage. Along the way, they encounter various obstacles and learn valuable lessons about teamwork and perseverance.

Meanwhile, another unexpected incident takes place involving Rocky the Rocket. While attempting a daring mid-air maneuver, Rocky loses control and crashes into the side of a building. The impact leaves Rocky in disarray and damages the building's exterior. Sensing the urgency, Tom rushes to the site and assesses the situation. With his mechanical expertise, Tom helps Rocky safely detach from the building and ensures that no further harm is done. Throughout the process, the importance of careful navigation and adhering to safety measures is emphasized, leaving both Rocky and Tom with valuable lessons.

As if the day couldn't get any busier, Tom receives a call from Pickle, the pickup truck. Pickle explains that he has experienced a sudden blowout and is stranded on the side of a busy highway. Realizing the danger Pickle is in, Tom hurries to the scene to offer assistance. With traffic whizzing past, Tom works efficiently to replace the blown-out tire, all while ensuring Pickle's safety and calming his anxious nerves. Through this challenging experience, Pickle learns about the importance of regular vehicle maintenance and the potential consequences of neglecting it.

To add to the chaos, Francis, the forklift, gets caught up in an unexpected accident at the bustling construction site. While attempting to lift a heavy load, Francis loses balance and tips over, causing damage to nearby equipment and endangering the workers. Tom, with his cool-headed nature, arrives promptly to carefully assess the situation and provide the necessary aid. Together, they manage to stabilize Francis and restore order to the chaotic scene. Through this incident, Francis learns about the significance of following safety protocols and the importance of asking for help when needed.

Throughout the episode, Tom demonstrates his unwavering dedication and skill as he navigates through various challenges. Each incident serves as a reminder of the importance of cooperation, safety, and maintaining a proactive approach in terms of vehicle maintenance. As the episode progresses, Tom's positive attitude and problem-solving abilities inspire the other vehicles, teaching them valuable life lessons that extend beyond the realm of automobiles.

In "Matt das Polizeiauto bricht sich die Federn! / Rocky die Rakete fliegt in eine Hauswand! / Pickle der Pickup hat geplatzte Reifen! / Francis der Gabelstabler hatte einen Unfall!", audiences are once again immersed in the exciting world of Tom der Abschleppwagen. With a blend of action, adventure, and valuable life lessons, this episode promises an enjoyable experience for viewers of all ages. So, prepare to join Tom as he races against time to save the day and reminds us all of the importance of friendship, responsibility, and being there for one another.

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  • First Aired
    April 25, 2018
  • Runtime
    19 min
  • Language