Ep 3. Head Banger Buddy
- April 11, 2017
- 8 min
Tom & Jerry Kids is an animated television series that follows the antics and adventures of the beloved cartoon characters, Tom and Jerry, as children. In season 4 episode 3, entitled "Head Banger Buddy," the audience is transported to a world where Tom, Jerry, and their friends go on wild and crazy adventures.
The episode begins with the kids eagerly waiting for the arrival of their new friend, Buddy. As soon as he arrives, they are impressed by his impressive musical talents and quick wit. However, soon after Buddy's arrival, they realize that he has an unusual problem- he can't control his head banging!
Buddy's uncontrollable head banging puts him and his friends in some sticky situations. Trying to keep up with him and prevent him from headbanging becomes a crazy ride. They first try to help him by creating ways that they can communicate with him without him banging his head, but that is a struggle and impact the way he focuses on other things.
Despite their best efforts to find a solution, Tom and Jerry and their friends are unable to help Buddy control his headbanging. They come up with various ideas to control his headbanging such as giving him a helmet or a neck brace, only to find out that it doesn't work. Their next idea is to create a band that can use Buddy's headbanging as part of their act and turn it into something musical and beautiful. They try out different genres starting from rock music to scat, but they realize they still aren't quite getting the solution they had hoped for.
As they continue to search for a solution, Buddy's headbanging becomes more dangerous- they get into some crazy situations as a result of Buddy's headbanging antics. The kids realize that they need to come up with an idea quickly, or Buddy may get seriously hurt.
Finally, Tom and Jerry and their friends come up with what they think is a genius solution. They create a special headbanging safe zone where Buddy can bang his head to his heart's content without hurting himself or anyone else. The kids are overjoyed when the plan works, and Buddy is finally able to control his headbanging.
The episode ends with Tom and Jerry and their friends celebrating their victory with a big dance party. All of the kids dance wildly and crazily, with Buddy leading the charge by doing his headbanging. The party goes on well into the night, and everyone enjoys a well-deserved break from the wild adventures they had faced earlier in the episode.
Overall, "Head Banger Buddy" is a zany and fun-filled episode that is sure to keep viewers entertained. With its trademark slapstick humor and imaginative storyline, the episode is an excellent addition to the Tom & Jerry Kids canon, and one that is sure to be enjoyed by fans of all ages.