Watch Tokyo Ravens
- TV-14
- 2013
- 3 Seasons
7.2 (1,432)
Tokyo Ravens is an anime series that originally aired from October 2013 through to March 2014 on Tokyo MX. The show is an adaptation of a light novel series written by Kohei Azano and illustrated by Sumihei. The series is set in a world where magic exists and is treated as a science. The story follows the life of Harutora Tsuchimikado, a boy born into an ancient family of onmyoji - a type of Japanese occultism centered around the use of magic to cleanse evil spirits or eliminate supernatural phenomena. Despite being born into such a prominent family, Harutora shows no signs of possessing any magical abilities. Nevertheless, he is determined to follow in his childhood friend's footsteps and become an elite onmyoji.
The show's protagonist, Harutora, is joined by a group of characters, including his childhood friend Natsume Tsuchimikado, who is the heir to the Tsuchimikado family, and his close friends, Touji Ato and Suzuka Dairenji. The group suffers from various conflicts as they attempt to uncover the truth behind a prophecy and the danger it poses to their world.
One of the central conflicts of the show is the Tsuchimikado family's obsession with securing the succession of their lineage. This puts them in conflict with the Onmyo Agency, which is responsible for managing Japan's magical affairs. The tension between the two organizations exacerbates after Harutora and his friends' attempts at recruiting more members to their club result in an unexpected tragedy.
As the story progresses, the main characters slowly begin to uncover the history of their world and the true nature of the prophecy that looms over them. Harutora, who earlier believed he had no magical abilities, later learns the truth about his powers, which puts him in danger and sets him on a path of self-discovery.
The animation and art style of Tokyo Ravens are sharp, clean, and overall quite appealing. The characters are well-designed, each with their own unique style and characteristics. The fight scenes are well choreographed with impressive use of magic spells and swordplay, and the story is compelling enough to keep the viewer engaged.
The voice acting is also particularly noteworthy, with Kaito Ishikawa providing an excellent performance as the lead protagonist Harutora. Aki Toyosaki delivers a similarly strong performance as Harutora's childhood friend and love interest, Natsume Tsuchimikado. Ryohei Kimura's portrayal of the loyal and often comedic Touji Ato also contributes to the show's endearing cast of characters.
Tokyo Ravens explores many interesting themes, including the concept of family loyalty, the consequences of obsession, and the dangers of blindly following tradition. It also provides a unique take on the idea of magic, treating it as a science rather than something mystical.
Overall, Tokyo Ravens is a well-executed anime series that combines an engaging story, likable characters, and impressive animation. Its unique themes and approach to magic make it a standout in the genre, and it is worth checking out for anyone who enjoys action, adventure, and fantasy.
Tokyo Ravens is a series that ran for 3 seasons (26 episodes) between October 8, 2013 and on Tokyo MX