Watch Todd & The Book Of Pure Evil
- 2011
- 2 Seasons
8.2 (4,233)
Todd & The Book Of Pure Evil is a captivating horror-comedy television series that aired on FEARnet from 2010 to 2012. The show was created by Craig David Wallace, Charles Picco, and Anthony Leo and starred Alex House as the lead character, Todd. The series takes place in Crowley High, a fictional high school in a small town in Canada, and centers around our protagonist, Todd. Todd is an outcast and has been going through a tough time since his best friend, Curtis, committed suicide a year ago. However, this all changes when Todd finds The Book of Pure Evil, a book that is said to grant wishes that unleashes untold evil in the process.
As soon as Todd finds the mysterious book, he and his friends, Jenny (Maggie Castle), Curtis's twin sister, Hannah (Melanie Leishman), and his stoner buddy, Curtis (Billy Turnbull), go on a journey to collect its missing pages. Together, they try to use the book's powers for good, but as they progress, they find out that the book is anything but good.
The show's storyline is incredibly imaginative, and each episode is a unique tale of horror with a comedic twist. The series has been inspired heavily by the horror-comedy genre, with the likes of Evil Dead, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and similar shows. However, Todd & The Book Of Pure Evil takes the genre to a whole new level by including plenty of gore, well-executed special effects, and decent acting that would satisfy any horror fan.
The characters in the series are likable, flawed, and full of personality. Todd is a quirky, endearing character who would go to great lengths to help his friends. Jenny is a smart, outspoken, and gutsy girl who always tries to do the right thing. Curtis is a lovable stoner who is always up for anything, while Hannah is a tough girl who is vulnerable and brave at the same time.
The show's villains are just as colorful as our heroes. The high school guidance counselor, Atticus Murphy Jr. (Chris Leavins), is a mysterious and sinister figure who has his own agenda for the book's powers. The metalhead bully, Jimmy (Jason Mewes), is a hilarious character who is the primary antagonist in the show. Other notable villains include a zombie hockey team and an evil genie, to name a few.
The show is also known for its fantastic soundtrack, which features original songs from Canadian metal bands like 3 Inches of Blood and Bison BC. The music adds to Todd & The Book Of Pure Evil's overall feel, making it a show that is as enjoyable to listen to as it is to watch.
In terms of production quality, Todd & The Book Of Pure Evil is impressive, considering the small budget of the show. The special effects are well done, and the settings are genuinely creepy. The show's visual style is reminiscent of grindhouse cinema, with plenty of blood and gore that would satisfy any horror fan's appetite.
Todd & The Book of Pure Evil tackles mature themes and topics, such as death, mental health, and drug addiction. Although the show's premise is absurd, its message about the consequences of unchecked desires and the importance of community rings true. The show is self-aware, and it parodies common high school tropes while also paying homage to the horror genre.
In conclusion, Todd & The Book Of Pure Evil is one of the best horror-comedy television shows of the last decade. The show's creative storyline, memorable characters, effective production values, and original soundtrack make it a must-watch for anyone who loves gore, comedy, and horror. Alex House's outstanding performance as Todd, alongside the rest of the cast, makes the show a must-see experience.
Todd & The Book Of Pure Evil is a series that ran for 2 seasons (26 episodes) between August 2, 2011 and on FEARnet