To the Contrary Season 26 Episode 24
To the Contrary
Season 26

Ep 24. Women & Guns; Abortion Rights; Birth Control Rollback

  • October 8, 2017

To the Contrary season 26 episode 24 titled "Women & Guns; Abortion Rights; Birth Control Rollback" explores three controversial issues that affect women in the United States.

The episode begins with a discussion on women and guns. With the rise of mass shootings in the country, many are advocating for stricter gun laws. However, there are also women who believe in the right to bear arms and defend themselves. The panelists weigh in on the role of guns in women's lives and the impact of gun laws on their safety.

The conversation then shifts to abortion rights. With the current composition of the Supreme Court, many fear that Roe v. Wade could be overturned, leaving women with limited access to safe and legal abortion. The panelists discuss the potential consequences of such a decision and the importance of preserving reproductive rights.

Finally, the episode examines the Trump administration's recent rollback of birth control coverage under the Affordable Care Act. The change allows employers to opt out of providing contraception to their employees for religious or moral reasons. The panelists discuss the impact this will have on women's healthcare and the ethical implications of the decision.

Throughout the episode, the panelists offer diverse perspectives and engage in respectful discourse on these complex issues. Viewers will gain a deeper understanding of the challenges women face in navigating their rights and freedoms in contemporary society.

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  • First Aired
    October 8, 2017
  • Language