To the Contrary Season 25 Episode 21
To the Contrary
Season 25

Ep 21. Baby Boomers & The Election; Incarcerated Women

  • October 6, 2016

To the Contrary season 25 episode 21 delves into two critical topics that impact society today: the influence of Baby Boomers on the upcoming election and the plight facing incarcerated women. The episode covers both topics thoroughly, providing insight and analysis from a range of experts.

Firstly, the show discusses how Baby Boomers, those born between 1946 and 1964, will play a crucial role in the upcoming U.S. election. The episode explores how their votes and political leanings may differ from younger generations and how this may impact the outcome of the election. By examining the political behavior and priorities of Baby Boomers, the show sheds light on how their votes may sway the election.

In this segment, the show features guests who discuss how Baby Boomers may vote based on their life experiences, views on social issues, and the state of the economy. The discussion highlights the different issues that are of importance to Baby Boomers, such as healthcare, immigration, and climate change. The segment also explores how political candidates may cater to Baby Boomers by focusing on their concerns and priorities.

The second topic of the episode deals with the treatment of incarcerated women in the U.S. The segment details the challenges faced by women who are in prison, such as lack of access to healthcare and reproductive services, as well as rampant abuse and harassment. The episode points out the significant rise in women’s incarceration over recent years and offers insight into some of the causes.

During this segment, the show features guests who have expertise in the criminal justice system, social activism, and advocacy for women’s rights. The focus is on the ways that women's unique circumstances, such as being caregivers or survivors of domestic violence, impact their experiences as prisoners. The show highlights the impact of policies and legislation that disproportionately affect women prisoners and considers possible solutions that could be put in place to help these women.

The episode of To the Contrary provides a balanced and in-depth analysis of both topics. The show does not shy away from tough questions and offers thought-provoking conversations on the issues. With well-researched data and insights from leading experts and advocates in both fields, viewers are provided with a comprehensive understanding of the issues at hand.

Overall, this episode of To the Contrary is a must-watch for anyone interested in learning more about the challenges facing society today, from the unique perspectives of Baby Boomers influencing the upcoming election to the plight of incarcerated women. The show provides a unique and valuable voice on these topics that are often overlooked in mainstream media.

Watch To the Contrary - Baby Boomers & The Election; Incarcerated Women (s25 e21) Online - Watch online anytime: Stream, Download
To the Contrary, Season 25 Episode 21, is available to watch free on PBS and stream on PBS. You can also stream, download To the Contrary on demand at online.
  • First Aired
    October 6, 2016
  • Language