To the Contrary Season 24 Episode 22
To the Contrary
Season 24

Ep 22. Pope Francis & Women; Paternity Leave; Girls Who Code

  • September 18, 2015

To the Contrary season 24 episode 22 explores important issues such as the relationship between Pope Francis and women, paternity leave, and the value of Girls Who Code. The episode starts with a discussion about Pope Francis and the role of women in the Catholic Church. The panelists debate whether Pope Francis has made any real progress in advancing gender equality within the Church, given his mixed record in appointing women to leadership positions.

Next, the show addresses paternity leave, a topic that has gained significant attention in recent years. The panelists discuss the benefits of paternity leave for both men and women, including bonding with newborns, promoting gender equality, and improving work-life balance. They also explore the obstacles that still exist for working fathers who want to take paternity leave, such as cultural norms that prioritize a man's work over his family.

Finally, the episode focuses on Girls Who Code, a non-profit organization that seeks to close the gender gap in the tech industry by providing girls with computer science education. The panelists discuss the importance of initiatives like Girls Who Code in empowering young women to pursue careers in STEM fields, where women are currently underrepresented. They also explore the challenges that girls face in pursuing careers in tech, including stereotypes, lack of role models, and unequal opportunities.

Throughout the episode, the panelists provide insightful commentary and diverse perspectives on these important issues. They explore the implications of Pope Francis' statements and actions concerning women in the Church, and discuss the potential impact of paternity leave on families and society as a whole. They also highlight the valuable work of Girls Who Code, and the need for more initiatives that support women and girls in STEM fields.

Overall, To the Contrary season 24 episode 22 offers a thought-provoking and informative discussion on key issues related to gender equality. By exploring the relationship between Pope Francis and women, the value of paternity leave, and the importance of Girls Who Code, the show provides a nuanced and engaging look at the challenges and opportunities of advancing gender equality in the 21st century.

Watch To the Contrary - Pope Francis & Women; Paternity Leave; Girls Who Code (s24 e22) Online - Watch online anytime: Stream, Download
To the Contrary, Season 24 Episode 22, is available to watch free on PBS and stream on PBS. You can also stream, download To the Contrary on demand at online.
  • First Aired
    September 18, 2015
  • Language