Watch Thomas & Friends S19, S20
- 2014
- 21 Seasons
Thomas & Friends: S19, S20 is a popular animated television series produced by Hit Entertainment. The show follows the adventures of Thomas the Tank Engine and his friends on the Island of Sodor. The series premiered on television in 2015 and continued on until 2016 with 156 episodes.
The show focuses on the steam-powered engines who take on various tasks and challenges in their daily lives. The core group of engines includes Thomas, Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy and Emily. Each episode follows a different story arc, but they all share the same message of the importance of teamwork, friendship and perseverance.
One of the highlights of the show is the inclusion of different aspects of life that young viewers can learn from. There are episodes that teach children about the importance of honesty and integrity, while others focus on courage and determination. All of the stories have an underlying moral that encourages children to make positive choices and be kind to those around them.
The voice casting is one of the strengths of the show. Mark Moraghan plays the role of the narrator, providing a soothing and calming voice to accompany the action. Joseph May, on the other hand, provides the voice of Thomas the Tank Engine, bringing to life the plucky and optimistic engine that viewers have come to love.
The animation style of Thomas & Friends: S19, S20 is simple and colorful, making it easy for young viewers to follow along with the action. The use of bright colors and simple shapes also makes it easy for younger children to learn and recognize the different characters.
One of the notable changes to the show in the later seasons was the introduction of several female characters. Emily, who had been a part of the core group of engines since the show began, was joined by two new female engines, Nia and Rebecca. This move was seen as an important step towards gender equality, and was praised by many parents and educators.
Another notable addition to the show was the introduction of more character development for the engines. In earlier seasons, the engines had been portrayed as one-dimensional characters, with little to no backstory or personality beyond their role as a train. In later seasons, however, the writers began to explore the characters' personalities and histories in more depth, giving viewers a deeper connection to the engines and their adventures.
Overall, Thomas & Friends: S19, S20 is a heartwarming and entertaining show that provides a positive message for young viewers. With engaging characters, relatable stories and important life lessons, it is a great choice for parents looking for a show that their children can enjoy while also learning valuable lessons about teamwork, honesty and perseverance.