This Old House Season 40 Episode 5
This Old House
Season 40

Ep 5. Jamestown: ramp up the R value

  • November 3, 2018

This Old House season 40 episode 5 takes viewers to the charming town of Jamestown, Rhode Island, where the team is tasked with ramping up the R-value of a classic New England home. The homeowners have been struggling with high energy bills and a lack of comfort in their home, and the team is determined to help them find a solution.

The episode begins with a tour of the home, led by host Kevin O'Connor and general contractor Tom Silva. They explain that the home was built in the 1800s and has undergone several renovations over the years. While the owners love the character and charm of the home, they recognize that it has some serious energy efficiency issues.

To tackle the problem, the team decides to focus on the home's insulation. They begin by removing the old fiberglass batts from the attic and replacing them with blown-in cellulose insulation. This is a messy job, but the team is up for the challenge. They carefully seal off the area with plastic sheeting before going to work, and everyone wears protective gear to avoid inhaling the tiny cellulose fibers.

Next, the team turns their attention to the walls. They discover that the walls are filled with old newspaper and blown-in insulation that has settled over time. They decide to add dense-packed cellulose insulation to the walls, which will significantly improve the home's R-value and reduce air infiltration.

To do this, the team drills small holes in the exterior of the home and uses a special hose to blow in the insulation. This technique is minimally invasive and allows the team to add insulation without damaging the home's historic clapboard siding.

Throughout the episode, the team discusses the importance of air sealing and insulation. They explain how an air barrier helps to prevent heat loss and air infiltration, which can lead to drafts and high energy bills. They also discuss the benefits of cellulose insulation, which is made from recycled newspaper and has a higher R-value than traditional fiberglass batts.

As the insulation work wraps up, the team turns their attention to other energy-saving measures. They install new LED light fixtures throughout the home, which will use significantly less energy than the old incandescent bulbs. They also seal off a drafty basement window and install a new programmable thermostat, which will allow the homeowners to control their heating and cooling more efficiently.

Throughout the episode, the team emphasizes the importance of working with a professional contractor when it comes to home insulation and energy efficiency. They caution viewers against DIY insulation projects, which can be dangerous and often lead to poor results.

Finally, the episode concludes with a tour of the finished home. The homeowners are thrilled with the improvements, and they can already feel a difference in the comfort of their home. They are also excited to see the energy savings on their next utility bill.

Overall, This Old House season 40 episode 5 is a must-watch for anyone interested in home energy efficiency and insulation. The team's expert advice and hands-on demonstrations make it easy to understand how to improve the R-value of a home and reduce energy bills.

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  • First Aired
    November 3, 2018
  • Language