Watch This Animated Map...
- 1969
- 1 Season
This Animated Map is a fascinating show that takes viewers on a captivating journey through history. Hosted by Paul Barford, a renowned archaeologist and expert on antiquities, this series uses cutting-edge technology to animate the maps of ancient civilizations and reveal the secrets hidden in their landscapes.
Each episode of This Animated Map focuses on a different era or region, offering a unique perspective on the history that shaped our world. From the deserts of ancient Egypt to the bustling streets of Rome, viewers are taken on a sweeping tour of the cultures, politics, and technologies that defined each civilization.
Using a combination of historical records, archaeological research, and computer animation, Paul Barford brings each map to life with stunning accuracy. Each episode is jam-packed with fascinating details that shed new light on the everyday lives of people from long ago.
For example, in one episode, viewers are transported to medieval Europe, where they learn about the rise of feudalism and the construction of medieval castles. With detailed animations and 3D models, we see how these impressive fortifications were built to defend against invading forces, and how they evolved over time to become the magnificent structures we know today.
In another episode, we travel back to ancient Greece, where we explore the city of Athens during the time of Pericles. With immersive graphics and animations, viewers get a firsthand look at the bustling streets, theaters, and temples that made Athens such an important cultural center during this time. We also get a glimpse into the lives of the ordinary citizens who called Athens home, learning about their customs and traditions in vivid detail.
Throughout each episode, Paul Barford provides insightful commentary on the historical events unfolding before our eyes. Drawing on his deep knowledge of antiquities and his years of experience as an archaeologist, he helps us understand the significance of each location and the role it played in shaping the course of history.
With its blend of cutting-edge animation, expert insight, and engaging storytelling, This Animated Map is a must-watch show for anyone interested in history, archaeology, or technology. Whether you're a student, a teacher, or simply a curious viewer, you're sure to be captivated by the immersive world of ancient civilizations brought to life in this exciting series.