Think Tank with Ben Wattenberg

Watch Think Tank with Ben Wattenberg

  • 1994
  • 1 Season
  • 6.2  (14)

Think Tank with Ben Wattenberg from Grace Creek Media is a television show that premiered in 1994, starring political commentator and author Ben J. Wattenberg alongside legal scholar Robert H. Bork. The show, which ran for five seasons, featured discussions on a variety of topics related to politics, economics, and American culture.

Each episode began with a monologue delivered by Wattenberg, who set the stage for the discussion to follow. The topics covered on the show included everything from immigration to the rise of the Internet, and the guests who appeared on the show were a mix of experts, politicians, and pundits.

One of the unique aspects of Think Tank was its format. Rather than a traditional roundtable discussion or debate, the show featured a single guest who would respond to Wattenberg's questions and prompts. This allowed for a more in-depth exploration of a given topic or issue.

Another distinguishing feature of the show was its emphasis on ideas. Wattenberg was known for his curiosity and intellectual vigor, and he was not afraid to ask tough questions or push his guests to defend their positions. The result was a show that was thought-provoking and engaging, addressing complex issues in a way that was accessible to a broad audience.

Think Tank also had a distinctive visual style. The set was minimalistic, with the focus on the guests and the topic at hand. The lighting was stark and dramatic, helping to create an atmosphere that was serious and contemplative.

Over the course of its five seasons, Think Tank covered a wide range of topics. Some of the more notable episodes included discussions on affirmative action, the future of capitalism, and the role of religion in American public life. The guests who appeared on the show were equally diverse, ranging from conservative economists to liberal journalists.

Despite its varied content, Think Tank was united by a common theme: a belief in the power of ideas to shape the world around us. The show was not just about politics or economics, but about the broader cultural forces that drive human behavior. Wattenberg and his guests tackled big questions, always striving to find new and creative answers.

Overall, Think Tank with Ben Wattenberg from Grace Creek Media was a fascinating and insightful show that tackled some of the most pressing issues of its time. Its unique format and intellectual rigor set it apart from other political talk shows, making it a must-watch for anyone interested in understanding the forces that shape our world.

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Environmental risks: What's real? What's not?
29. Environmental risks: What's real? What's not?
November 25, 1994
Are Americans being poisoned by industrial pollution and pesticides, or are these threats vastly exaggerated? With Jessica Matthews, Frederica Perera, Lester Lave, and Fred Smith.
Will the Democrats come back?
28. Will the Democrats come back?
November 18, 1994
Think Tank discusses whether the Democratic Party, the so-called party of government, will flourish when it no longer pulls the levers of congressional power. With Jeane Kirkpatrick, Michael Beschloss, Robert Borosage, and Will Marshall.
1994 elections: Is it the end of an era?
27. 1994 elections: Is it the end of an era?
November 11, 1994
In the 1994 election, why did Americans vote the way they did? And where does this election fit in the American electoral history? With E.J. Dionne, Stephen Hess, Karlyn Bowman, and Michael Vlhaos.
Has feminism gone too far?
26. Has feminism gone too far?
November 4, 1994
On this episode of Think Tank, two controversial feminists, who share a view that is different from the modern feminist movement, discuss what is wrong with other feminists' outlooks. Featuring Camile Paglia and Christina Hoff Sommers.
Who owns history?
25. Who owns history?
October 7, 1994
It is often said that history is written by the victors, but today many so-called victims are getting their chance to be heard. Some worry that America's rich historical tale is being replaced by a new story with America cast as the villain. Featuring Eric Foner, Robert Royal, James Horton, and Daniel Boorstin.
Election '94: What's at stake?
24. Election '94: What's at stake?
September 23, 1994
The Democratically controlled Congress surrounding the election of 1994 is in danger of losing their majority of seats. It seems that the Republicans have the Democrats on ropes and that challengers have incumbents in a corner. How come? Featuring Larry Sabato, Norman Ornstein, Catherine Rudder, and Eddie Williams.
Can America's schools be saved?
23. Can America's schools be saved?
September 16, 1994
American school children aren't learning what they should. Do we need to set nationwide educational standards to help them compete in the global economy? Featuring Albert Shanker, Dennis Doyle, Kriner Cash and Myron Lieberman.
Are American elections fair?
22. Are American elections fair?
August 27, 1994
One man, one vote has long been a central principle of the American electoral system. But now some say our elections lead to a tyranny of the majority, leaving the interests of minority groups out of play. Featuring Lani Guinier, Carol Swain, Jamin Raskin, and Stephen Solarz.
Environmentalists vs. landowners
21. Environmentalists vs. landowners
August 19, 1994
A major new debate is unfolding concerning property and environmental regulation. Featuring Fred Smith, Jonathan Turley, Peter Byrne, and Richard Epstein.
Who won the Cold War?
20. Who won the Cold War?
August 12, 1994
The Cold War may be over, but the fight over who should get the credit for winning it has just begun. Was it Ronald Reagan's hard line that pushed the Soviets over the edge? Was it Mikhail Gorbachev's perestroika that paved the way for Russian democracy? Featuring Paul Warnke, Caspar Weinberger, Peter Schweizer, and Raymond Garthoff.
Did Woodstock change America?
19. Did Woodstock change America?
August 5, 1994
Did Woodstock mark the end of the '60s, as some say, or was it the beginning of a countercultural revolution that is still playing itself out in American society? Featuring James Miller, Kurt Vonnegut, Martha Bayles, and Morris Dickstein.
The Christian right in American politics
18. The Christian right in American politics
July 29, 1994
The Christian right has become a powerful force in the Republican Party, sparking debate over religion and politics. Are they representative of the American people's traditional, conservative views? Featuring Larry Sabato, Michael Cromartie, Michael Kazin, and Randall Balmer.
What's at stake in Haiti?
17. What's at stake in Haiti?
July 22, 1994
It's been three years since the Army seized power in Haiti. Now President Clinton may send in the Marines. Is that the best thing for Haiti? Is it the best thing for America? Featuring Elliot Abrams, Bernard Aronson, Ian Martin, and Lorenzo Morris.
Is health insurance a right?
16. Is health insurance a right?
July 15, 1994
Should the government guarantee health insurance for everyone? Featuring John Goodman, Paul Starr, Stuart Butler, and Theodore Marmor.
Where next America?
15. Where next America?
July 8, 1994
Just 25 years ago, America planted the Stars and Stripes on the moon. A great nation had achieved a great feat. But soon we scaled back. Is America no longer looking for new frontiers? Featuring Michael Novak, Daniel Boorstin, John Logsdon, and Rita Colwell.
Thomas Jefferson: Champion of liberty or dangerous radical?
14. Thomas Jefferson: Champion of liberty or dangerous radical?
July 1, 1994
Who was Thomas Jefferson and what would he think of America today? Featuring Robert Bork, James Horton, Jan Lewis, and Peter Onuf.
Defusing the Korean bomb
13. Defusing the Korean bomb
June 24, 1994
For 50 years, the most exclusive club in the world has been the club of nuclear nations. Now renegade North Korea may be only months away from joining the nuclear elite. What can be done to stop North Korea from getting the bomb? Featuring Richard Perle, Leonard Spector, Paul Warnke, and Robert Manning.
Is population a problem?
12. Is population a problem?
June 17, 1994
The world population has greatly risen. Is this increase a real problem and a justifiable cause for the world to be fearful? Or is it no big deal? Featuring Jessica Matthews, John Bongaarts, Julian Simon, and Samuel Preston.
What is wrong with Congress?
11. What is wrong with Congress?
June 10, 1994
Many American citizens have a negative view of congressmen and senators. But most congressmen and senators work hard and honestly. So, why are so many voters angry with them? Think Tank explores the some Americans' poor perception of Congress. Featuring Edward Crane, Jonathan Rauch, Norman Ornstein, and Thomas Mann.
Is there help for the homeless?
10. Is there help for the homeless?
June 12, 1994
Many theories have arisen to explain the rise in homeless people throughout the past two decades. Think Tank explores this issue by asking three basic questions: Who are the homeless? Why are they homeless? And what can we do about the homeless problem? Featuring Alice Baum, Christopher Jencks, Douglas Besharov, and Heather MacDonald.
Adam Smith: 21st century man?
9. Adam Smith: 21st century man?
May 28, 1994
A big fight over international trade is brewing in America. Which view holds true for America in the 21st century? Featuring Jagdish Bhagwati, James Fallows, Robert Lawrence, and Thea Lee.
Is America becoming anti-religious?
8. Is America becoming anti-religious?
May 20, 1994
Are we moving from a nation based on freedom of religion to one based on freedom from religion? Has the separation of church and state gone too far? Featuring Father Robert Drinan, Glenn Loury, Michael Novak, and Stephen Carter.
The role of the First Lady
7. The role of the First Lady
May 14, 1994
Think Tank attempts to answer the question, what is the proper role of the first lady in the 1990s? Featuring Suzanne Garment, Doris Kearns Goodwin, Gil Troy, and Stephen Hess.
Does Clinton have a foreign policy?
6. Does Clinton have a foreign policy?
May 7, 1994
Now that the Cold War is over, American foreign policy seems to be adrift. Many different labels to help describe America's foreign policy mission abound throughout America, but not one classification seems to hold steadfast. They offer no consensus about whether or not and how to intervene in troubled parts of the world. Featuring Richard Barnet, Richard Perle, Steven Solarz, and Ted Carpenter.
Smoking: Is Big Brother becoming Big Nanny?
5. Smoking: Is Big Brother becoming Big Nanny?
April 29, 1994
Think Tank discusses the government's role in limiting cigarette smoking, in light of the Smoke-Free Environment Act before Congress. How far should the government go in telling people what risks they can take? Featuring John Banzhaf, Peter Huber, Richard Daynard, and Walter Berns.
Will immigration change the American way?
4. Will immigration change the American way?
April 22, 1994
A new wave of immigrants is coming to America. Are they taking American jobs? Are they eroding American traditional culture? Or do the new immigrants bring economic growth and strong values, helping to create the first universal nation? Featuring Francis Fukuyama, Jeffrey Passel, Michael Lind, and Nathan Glazer.
Is the press out of control?
3. Is the press out of control?
April 14, 1994
On certain kinds of stories the media seems faster, meaner, more competitive and addicted to new rules and rituals. Are media firestorms changing American politics, and is political coverage getting too personal? Featuring Lani Guinier, Robert Bork, Larry Sabato, and Suzanne Garment.
Does welfare cause illegitimacy?
2. Does welfare cause illegitimacy?
April 9, 1994
Think Tank explores possible answers to whether the welfare system has contributed to the rising illegitimacy rate. Featuring Charles Murray, Roger Wilkins, Sheldon Danziger, and Glen Loury.
Does punishment pay?
1. Does punishment pay?
April 2, 1994
It seems as if a crime wave has crashed over America. The public is looking for answers. Is the solution to this continuing problem punishment, prevention, or both? Featuring John DiIulio, Lani Guinier, Philip Heymann, and Robert Bork.
  • Premiere Date
    April 2, 1994
  • IMDB Rating
    6.2  (14)