
Watch #theOUTtalk

  • 2016
  • 1 Season

This season, comedian hosts Courtney Rada and Adam Chisnall discuss fun topics such as dating, lesbian sex, travel, masturbation, gay weddings, deal breakers and break ups.

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Gay Sex with Straight Guys
9. Gay Sex with Straight Guys
June 6, 2016
In this edition of #theOUTtalk comedians Adam Chisnall and Courtney Rada invite two straight guys along to discuss gay sex. We find out their opinions of being on the down low. We find out if they've ever experienced same-sex attraction. What about bromance?
First Dates
8. First Dates
May 23, 2016
In this episode of #theOUTtalk, comedian hosts Courtney Rada and Adam Chisnall talk about First Dates with our panel of straight women. Panelists include actress Sarah Seeds from Riding the D with Dr. Seeds and comedian Lily Du from Flying High with Charlie.
Gay Weddings
7. Gay Weddings
May 16, 2016
In this episode of #theOUTtalk, comedian hosts Courtney Rada and Adam Chisnall talk about gay weddings / same-sex . Panelists Carolyn Bergier and Christopher Moss talk about their weddings and show how they weren't that much different from everyone else's wedding.
6. Masturbation
May 9, 2016
In this episode of #theOUTtalk, comedian hosts Adam Chisnall and Courtney Rada talk about something everyone does but no one talks about: Masturbation. Panelists Kelsey Bailey and Timothy Dunn discuss the worst places to get caught and even write a poem about taking a little bit of "me time" in our segment entitled Poetry in Lotion.
5. Travel
May 2, 2016
In this episode of #theOUTtalk, panelists Lucio Nieto (Disposable Teens) and Kelsey Coughlin (Flying High with Charlie) discuss when you know it's time to travel with your partner. Or, if you're single, great ways to meet someone on a plane.
4. Break-Ups
April 25, 2016
theOUTtalk is a hilarious, lgbt comedy talk show. In this episode comedian hosts Adam Chisnall and Courtney Rada talk about break-ups. We've all had them before. The panel discusses their strangest break up stories and then sings about them in our challenge called "The Ex Factor". Panelists include comedians Matt Grote and Stephanie Holmes.
Lesbian Sex with Gay Men
3. Lesbian Sex with Gay Men
April 18, 2016
In this episode of #theOUTtalk, comedian hosts Courtney Rada and Adam Chisnall ask a panel of gay male comedians (Timothy Dunn and Nikita Burdein) about what they know of Lesbian Sex. Our panel uses their best imagination to describe lesbian sex and also create some new creative ways women can be intimate with each other. Who knows they may even teach Courtney a thing or two.
Dating Apps
2. Dating Apps
April 11, 2016
In this episode of theOUTtalk, comedian hosts Adam Chisnall and Courtney Rada talk about Dating Apps with our panel and why it's easier for men than women to send a picture of their junk. Panelists include Kelsey Bailey comedian and member of the UCB improv team Future Wives and Kenny Zdanowicz writer of OutliciousTV's Logan Square.
Coming Out
1. Coming Out
April 4, 2016
In the premiere episode of #theOUTtalk, comedian hosts Courtney Rada and Adam Chisnall discuss coming out with our panel and discover that sometimes even straight people have to come out too. Panelists include Lindsey Steinert, comedian and creator of the one-woman show Upstream Swimming and Matty Frazier of OutliciousTV's Flying High with Charlie.
  • Premiere Date
    April 4, 2016