The Young Turks Season 1 Episode 344
The Young Turks
Season 1

Ep 344. Fri, Jul 31, 2015

  • TV-14
  • July 31, 2015

The Young Turks is a political commentary show on the online news network, TYT Network. The season 1 episode 344, titled "Fri, Jul 31, 2015," opens with the host Cenk Uygur and co-host Ana Kasparian discussing the latest news stories of the week.

The first topic of discussion is the recent remarks made by Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump, regarding Senator John McCain's military service. The hosts weigh in on the controversy, with Uygur expressing his disgust at Trump's comments and Kasparian analyzing the potential impact this could have on his presidential campaign.

Next, the hosts delve into the ongoing debate surrounding the Confederate flag, particularly in the wake of the Charleston shooting. Uygur highlights the importance of taking down the flag as a symbol of hate and division, while Kasparian emphasizes the need for a more nuanced conversation about the issue, taking into consideration the perspectives of those who view the flag as a symbol of Southern pride.

Moving on to the international front, the hosts discuss the latest developments in the Iran nuclear deal. Uygur expresses his support for the deal, arguing that it represents a historic opportunity for peace and diplomacy, while Kasparian raises concerns about the potential downsides of the agreement.

The episode also features a segment analyzing the ongoing crisis in Greece, as the country faces the prospect of defaulting on its debt and potentially exiting the eurozone. The hosts discuss the causes of the crisis and the potential outcomes, with Uygur arguing that the situation is a consequence of austerity policies imposed by the European Union, while Kasparian emphasizes the need for a more balanced approach that addresses both the immediate and long-term needs of the Greek people.

The episode concludes with the hosts discussing the latest developments in the campaign for the 2016 presidential election, including the entry of former Governor Jeb Bush into the race. Uygur and Kasparian analyze the potential strengths and weaknesses of the various candidates, with Uygur expressing his preference for Senator Bernie Sanders and Kasparian raising concerns about the influence of money in politics.

Overall, "Fri, Jul 31, 2015" is a thought-provoking episode that covers a range of timely and important issues, from domestic politics to international affairs. The hosts provide insightful commentary that is both informative and entertaining, making this a must-watch episode for anyone interested in current events and political analysis.

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  • First Aired
    July 31, 2015
  • Content Rating
  • Language