The Women Who Run is a documentary-style show that premiered on ABC News in late 2018. The series follows the stories of female political candidates from around the United States who have decided to run for office in the 2018 midterm elections. The show focuses on an impressive group of women of all ages, races, and backgrounds who are challenging incumbents and hoping to bring their fresh perspectives and new ideas to the political arena. Viewers get to experience the campaigns and personal stories of these women, from their early motivations to run for office to their eventual triumphs and struggles.
The Women Who Run is unique in its approach to covering politics, as it offers a snapshot of the current state of politics in the United States from the grassroots level. It offers a look into the lives of female candidates who are on the frontlines of a changing political landscape.
The show's hosts are Robin Roberts, who is best known for her work on ABC's Good Morning America, and Diane Sawyer, a veteran journalist who spent many years reporting for ABC News. These two women bring a wealth of expertise and credibility to their roles as hosts, and they are able to provide insightful interviews and interesting commentary about the female candidates featured on the show.
One of the standout episodes of The Women Who Run focuses on Abigail Spanberger, a former CIA agent who is running for Congress in Virginia's 7th District. Spanberger is a unique candidate in many ways, as she brings a wealth of experience and knowledge from her work in the intelligence community.
Another episode centers around Stacey Abrams, who is running for governor of Georgia. Abrams is the first African-American woman to become the gubernatorial nominee for a major political party in the United States, and her campaign has drawn national attention.
Overall, The Women Who Run is a compelling and informative show that explores an important topic in a unique and engaging way. It sheds light on the efforts of these inspiring female candidates to make a difference in their communities and in the political landscape of the United States.
Premiere DateNovember 1, 2020
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