The Wiggles, Emma! Season 1 Episode 28

Ep 28. Take a Trip Out On the Sea

  • TVG
  • June 28, 2015

The Wiggles is a beloved children's show that follows four musicians who love to sing, dance, and play instruments. Emma! is a spin-off series that stars Emma Watkins, the first female Wiggle, and gives her the spotlight to sing, dance, and play with some of her very best friends.

In season 1, episode 28, the group is excited to embark on a sea-worthy adventure. Emma, Lachy, Simon, and Anthony pack their bags and board a boat to take a trip out on the sea. As they set sail, they're greeted by some friendly dolphins who dance and sing along with the group.

After a few minutes on the open sea, Emma decides it's time to teach her friends a new song. She introduces them to "Row, Row, Row Your Boat," a classic tune that's perfect for their nautical adventure. The group sings and sways along to the upbeat melody, and before they know it, they've arrived at their destination: a sunny tropical island.

The island is teeming with life, from colorful fish in the crystal-clear waters to palm trees swaying in the breeze. The group takes some time to explore their surroundings, marveling at the beauty of the island's natural wonders. They also meet some new animal friends, including a silly seagull and a cuddly crab.

As they explore the island, Emma and her friends realize that there's another instrument they can add to their musical toolkit: the ukulele. They stumble upon a small music shop where they meet a friendly shopkeeper who teaches them how to strum and play a few chords on the tiny instrument. Emma and her friends are delighted by the sound of the ukulele and decide to incorporate it into their next song.

Back on the boat, the group regales each other with stories of their island adventure and plays a new song they wrote together featuring the ukulele. The tune is infectious, and soon the entire boat is singing and dancing along to the catchy melody.

As the sun begins to set on their adventure, the group reflects on the beauty and wonder of the sea and all the amazing creatures they encountered along the way. They're grateful for the opportunity to take a trip out on the sea and make some beautiful music together, and can't wait for their next big adventure.

Fans of The Wiggles and Emma! will love this fun and educational episode, which teaches children about the joys of exploring nature, making new friends, and the power of music to bring people together. With catchy tunes, colorful visuals, and plenty of laughs along the way, Take a Trip Out On the Sea is a must-watch for any young music lover.

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  • First Aired
    June 28, 2015
  • Content Rating
  • Language