The Wiggles, Emma! Season 1 Episode 24

Ep 24. Emma With the Bow in Her Hair

  • TVG
  • June 24, 2015

In The Wiggles, Emma! season 1 episode 24, titled "Emma With the Bow in Her Hair," Emma, the yellow Wiggle, is excited to show off her new bow that she made herself. She takes the other Wiggles on a journey to find things that they can use to make their own bows.

They explore different areas, such as the garden and the beach, in their search for materials. Along the way, they sing and dance to songs like "The Wonder of Wiggle Town," "Brush Your Pet's Hair," and "This Little Piggy Went to Market."

As they collect materials, they bring them back to Emma's Bow Room, where she teaches the Wiggles how to make their own bows. They use a variety of materials, including feathers, flowers, and shells, to create unique and colorful bows.

Throughout the episode, Emma emphasizes the importance of creativity and encourages the other Wiggles to come up with their own ideas. She also emphasizes the importance of being proud of one's own creations, no matter how they turn out.

Overall, "Emma With the Bow in Her Hair" is a fun and educational episode of The Wiggles that celebrates creativity and self-expression.

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  • First Aired
    June 24, 2015
  • Content Rating
  • Language