Ep 10. Colorado High Country Archery Mule Deer Hunt
- January 1, 2013
- 22 min
The Western Hunter follows a group of experienced hunters as they travel across the western United States in search of some of the most elusive game in the country. In the season 1 finale, titled "Colorado High Country Archery Mule Deer Hunt," the team heads to the high country of Colorado in pursuit of one of the most iconic game animals in the state - the mule deer.
The episode begins with the team meeting up at a remote camp in the Colorado wilderness. The hunters are all experienced archers, and they spend some time getting their gear set up and practicing their shots before heading out into the field. This is an archery-only hunt, which adds an extra level of challenge to the already difficult task of tracking and stalking a mule deer in their natural habitat.
The team is led by Chris Denham, a seasoned hunter and guide who is intimately familiar with the terrain and the habits of the local deer population. He briefs the team on the plan for the day, which involves splitting up into smaller groups and covering as much ground as possible in search of a mature buck.
One of the hunters, a young woman named Jenna, is eager to prove herself on this hunt. She's an experienced archer but has never taken down a big game animal before. Chris assigns her to a group with another hunter named Dan, who has a reputation for being one of the best mule deer hunters in the state.
As they head out into the hills, the team encounters several smaller groups of deer, but none of them are the trophy-sized bucks they're looking for. They cover miles of rugged terrain, traversing steep ridges and deep valleys in search of their quarry.
As the day wears on, the team's spirits begin to flag. The sun is hot and the hiking is strenuous, and they haven't had any luck finding the big bucks they came for. Just as they're about to call it a day, they spot a group of six mule deer in a nearby clearing. They quickly set up for a shot, but the deer are skittish and keep moving around. Finally, Jenna gets a clear shot at a nice-sized buck and takes it down with a clean, well-placed arrow.
The team is elated at this success, but they know that the hunt is far from over. They continue to search for bigger, more mature bucks, but the terrain and the deer are proving to be a formidable opponent. As the sun begins to set, they decide to call it a day and regroup back at camp.
Over a hearty meal of venison stew, the team reflects on the challenges of the hunt and the thrill of the chase. They talk about the importance of conservation and responsible hunting, and how each of them has a role to play in preserving the natural resources that make this kind of experience possible.
The next morning, they're back at it. They split up into different groups, each with their own strategy for finding the elusive mule deer. Jenna and Dan set off on their own, determined to bag an even bigger buck than the one she took down the day before.
As they hike deeper into the hills, Jenna spots movement up ahead. They slowly approach, trying not to make too much noise. And then, they see him - a massive, beautiful mule deer with a massive set of antlers standing in a nearby clearing.
Jenna sets up for the shot, taking care to get as close as possible before releasing her arrow. It hits the buck right in the chest, and he goes down quickly. The rest of the team rushes over to congratulate her, admiring the massive animal lying still in the clearing.
The episode ends with the team celebrating their success back at camp, enjoying the meat from the deer they took down and reflecting on the lessons they learned on this incredible hunt. For them, it's a reminder of the beauty and majesty of the natural world, and the importance of hunting as an essential part of our relationship with the land.