The Vampire Diaries
Season 6
Ep 5. The World Has Turned and Left Me Here
- TV14
- October 30, 2014
- 42 min
8.5 (1,599)
As Elena and Bonnie attend college on the other side of the country, Caroline is left in Mystic Falls to handle the aftermath of losing her mother and losing touch with her humanity. Meanwhile, Stefan continues to be plagued by the complication of being human and the struggles that come with it. At Whitmore College, Elena is plagued by strange occurrences that make her fear that someone is after her, while Bonnie discovers a secret that could change everything. When Tyler returns to town, tensions rise as he tries to come to terms with his true feelings for Liv and what that might mean for him moving forward. With so much happening on both sides of town, it's clear that the world has indeed turned and left them all to fend for themselves.