The Truth About Cancer: A Quest for the Cures - The True History of Chemo & The Pharmaceutical Monopoly

Watch The Truth About Cancer: A Quest for the Cures - The True History of Chemo & The Pharmaceutical Monopoly

  • 2015
  • 1 Season

The Truth About Cancer: A Quest for the Cures - The True History of Chemo & The Pharmaceutical Monopoly is a documentary series produced by Food Matters TV that delves into the controversial world of cancer treatment. The series is hosted by Ty Bollinger, a health freedom advocate, and author who has written extensively about alternative cancer treatments.

The show explores the history of chemotherapy and its effectiveness in treating cancer. It also looks at the pharmaceutical industry's role in cancer treatment and how the industry prioritizes profits over patient outcomes. The series proposes alternative treatments and lifestyle changes that people can make to prevent cancer from occurring or returning.

The first episode titled "The Sordid History of Chemotherapy" discusses how chemotherapy came about and the science behind it. The episode features interviews with several oncologists who share their thoughts on chemotherapy and its effectiveness. Additionally, it features cancer survivors who share their personal stories on their experience with chemotherapy.

The second episode titled "Cancer Facts and Fictions, Breast Cancer, Hormones, Skin Cancer & Essential Oils" focuses on debunking common misconceptions about cancer. The episode discusses breast cancer and how hormones can cause cancer. It also explores the role of essential oils in cancer prevention and treatment. The episode also features interviews with women who were diagnosed with breast cancer and their experience with traditional treatments.

The third episode titled "Cancer-Killing Viruses, Cancer Stem Cells, GMOs, Juicing & Eating the Rainbow" discusses the research on cancer-killing viruses and how they can be used to fight cancer. The episode explores the role of cancer stem cells in cancer growth and how genetically modified foods (GMOs) can contribute to cancer. It also highlights the importance of juicing and eating a variety of fruits and vegetables to prevent cancer.

The fourth episode titled "Excitotoxins that Fuel Cancer, Nature's Pharmacy, and Healing Cancer with Sound and Light" looks at how excitotoxins can fuel cancer growth. The episode showcases the healing power of nature's pharmacy and how to use alternative therapies, such as sound and light, to treat cancer.

The fifth episode titled "Cancer Causing Blindspots, Toxic Vaccines, Homeopathy & The Power of Emotions" discusses the role of cancer causing blindspots in everyday products and how to avoid them. It also explores the controversy around vaccines and their role in cancer prevention. In addition, the episode discusses the healing power of homeopathy and the importance of emotions in cancer treatment.

The final episode titled "Cannabis, Nature's Epigenetic Switches, Peptides & Healing with Micronutrient Therapy" discusses the potential of cannabis in cancer treatment. The episode also explores the role of natural epigenetic switches and peptides in preventing and treating cancer. Furthermore, the episode highlights the benefits of micronutrient therapy and how it can improve cancer treatment outcomes.

Overall, The Truth About Cancer: A Quest for the Cures - The True History of Chemo & The Pharmaceutical Monopoly is a comprehensive look at cancer treatment and how people can take control of their health by making lifestyle changes and exploring alternative therapies.

The Truth About Cancer: A Quest for the Cures - The True History of Chemo & The Pharmaceutical Monopoly is a series that is currently running and has 1 seasons (13 episodes). The series first aired on January 1, 2015.

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Where to Watch The Truth About Cancer: A Quest for the Cures - The True History of Chemo & The Pharmaceutical Monopoly
The Truth About Cancer: A Quest for the Cures - The True History of Chemo & The Pharmaceutical Monopoly is available for streaming on the Food Matters TV website, both individual episodes and full seasons. You can also watch The Truth About Cancer: A Quest for the Cures - The True History of Chemo & The Pharmaceutical Monopoly on demand at Amazon Prime.
  • Premiere Date
    January 1, 2015