The Thomas John Experience Season 1 Episode 2

Ep 2. Off the Traditional New Orleans Path

  • June 3, 2020
  • 24 min

The Thomas John Experience season 1 episode 2, titled "Off the Traditional New Orleans Path," is a thrilling ride that takes Thomas John, a psychic medium, and his clients away from the hustle and bustle of the city's traditional tourist spots, into the heart of the lesser-known New Orleans.

We see Thomas John welcoming his clients, who are tired of the typical tourist activities, and are seeking a deeper understanding of the city's secrets. Thomas John introduces them to the concept of "spiritual tourism," and then sets out to explore some of the offbeat and mystical locations around New Orleans.

The episode follows the team as they visit various locations that are off the beaten path. They visit the historic city cemetery, where they get to know more about the different burial practices and the spiritual beliefs of the locals. They also take a stroll down the streets of the historic district, and Thomas John explains the different types of spirits that roam throughout the city.

The team visits a Voodoo shop, where they get an in-depth look into the ancient Voodoo religion and the practice of magic. Here, Thomas John performs a Voodoo ritual, and his clients get to experience the power of this ancient practice firsthand.

As the journey continues, they visit a haunted plantation that is said to be one of the most ghostly places in the country. Thomas John recounts the various paranormal experiences he has had there, and his clients listen in awe as they witness a paranormal activity firsthand.

The episode ends with Thomas John and his clients visiting a local psychic who is renowned for her ability to connect with the spirits. They sit down with her for a tarot reading, and as the cards are drawn, secrets are revealed and emotions are heightened.

The Thomas John Experience season 1 episode 2, "Off the Traditional New Orleans Path," is a fascinating and captivating journey that explores the lesser-known side of New Orleans. With Thomas John as their guide, viewers get to experience the spiritual richness and mystique of the city that goes far beyond the typical tourist spots.

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  • First Aired
    June 3, 2020
  • Runtime
    24 min
  • Language