The Sounds is a gripping drama series from Amazon Addon that premiered in 2020. The series is set in a small town in New Zealand, where the tranquility of life is abruptly shattered by the mysterious disappearance of a local fisherman. It follows the journey of Maggie Cabbott (played by Rachelle Lefevre), a Canadian woman who has come to this place with her husband Tom Cabbott (played by Matt Whelan) to start a new life as they build a new business venture.
Maggie is a strong and independent woman who is determined to find out the truth about the disappearance of the fisherman, as she becomes increasingly convinced that there is more to the story than what meets the eye. Her investigation leads her to uncover secrets that her husband has been keeping from her, and forces her to confront the possibility that the person she loves the most may be involved in something sinister.
As the storyline progresses, we see that Maggie and Tom have many complications in their marriage, and their difficult pasts threaten to surface and destroy their relationship. In the meantime, the search for the missing fisherman intensifies, and other mysterious events begin to occur, leading to the unfolding of a web of secrets and lies that has been hidden within the town for years.
The series seamlessly meshes drama, mystery, and thriller elements, with each episode leaving the viewer eagerly anticipating the next. The show has a stunning setting, and the scenic beauty of New Zealand is captured exquisitely in a way that takes the viewer on an immersive journey into the world of the story. The depiction of the small town is perfect in the way it is presented as a tight-knit community that is both welcoming and suspicious of outsiders.
In addition to the stunning setting and excellent performances by the lead actors, another standout element of The Sounds is the supporting cast. The characters are multi-dimensional, and their backstories are carefully woven into the plot in a way that helps to shape their motivations and actions throughout the series. The supporting cast includes characters such as the local police detective Jack McGregor (played by Matt Nable), who leads the investigation into the missing fisherman, and Leni (played by Emily Piggford), a local woman who is at the forefront of the town's social scene.
One of the most enjoyable aspects of the show is its pacing. The series never rushes the story, instead opting to let the characters and plot breathe, allowing the viewer to become fully immersed in the unfolding events. The story is carefully crafted with twists and turns that keep the audience engaged and guessing until the very end.
The Sounds also intelligently explores themes such as trust, loyalty, and the consequences of one's past actions. As Maggie and Tom confront past decisions and relationships, they are forced to evaluate their current lives and the people they have become.
Overall, The Sounds is an exceptional drama series that delivers an engaging, well-crafted story with great performances, writing, and direction. It is the perfect show for viewers who enjoy mysteries, dramas, or thrillers and is a true must-watch for fans of quality TV.
The Sounds is a series that ran for 1 seasons (8 episodes) between September 3, 2020 and on Amazon Addon
CastRachelle LefevreMatt WhelanMatt Nable
Premiere DateSeptember 3, 2020
IMDB Rating6.5 (1,416)
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