Ep 12. Bloodcurdling Canon
- TV-14
- 24 min
The Seven Deadly Sins is a Japanese anime series created by Nakaba Suzuki. The show is based on a group of knights called the Seven Deadly Sins, who are accused of plotting to overthrow the Kingdom of Liones. The story follows a young princess named Elizabeth Liones, who sets out on a journey to find the Seven Deadly Sins and ask for their help in saving her kingdom from the Holy Knights, who have taken control.
Season 1 Episode 12 of The Seven Deadly Sins is titled "Bloodcurdling Canon." The episode begins with the Seven Deadly Sins and Elizabeth Liones continuing their journey. They come across a village that is being attacked by a group of demons. The group decides to help the villagers and battles the demons.
After defeating the demons, the group discovers that the demons were being controlled by a Holy Knight named Dale, who has been using a powerful weapon called the Bloodcurdling Canon to control and manipulate demons. The Bloodcurdling Canon is a powerful weapon that fires a beam of dark energy that can manipulate and control anyone it hits.
The group decides to investigate a nearby castle where they believe Dale is hiding. They discover that the castle is heavily guarded by the Holy Knights and they are unable to get in. However, they soon find out that there is a secret entrance to the castle.
The group enters the castle and battles their way through the Holy Knights until they finally confront Dale. During the battle, Dale fires the Bloodcurdling Canon at the group, causing them to fight amongst themselves. However, Meliodas, the leader of the Seven Deadly Sins, is able to resist the brainwashing effects of the weapon and destroys the Bloodcurdling Canon.
After defeating Dale and his minions, the group receives a message from a friend who informs them that the Kingdom of Liones is in danger. The episode ends with the group setting out to save the kingdom once again.
In conclusion, Season 1 Episode 12 of The Seven Deadly Sins is an action-packed episode that introduces the powerful weapon, the Bloodcurdling Canon. The episode is filled with intense fight scenes and showcases the strength and teamwork of the Seven Deadly Sins. Fans of the series will not be disappointed with this episode and will be eager to see what challenges the group will face in the future.