The Scientific Guide to Health and Happiness

Watch The Scientific Guide to Health and Happiness

  • 2021
  • 1 Season

The Scientific Guide to Health and Happiness is a course offered by The Great Courses Signature Collection that aims to provide its viewers with the necessary knowledge and skills to improve their physical and emotional health. The course is presented by Dr. Jason M. Satterfield, a professor of clinical medicine and director of behavioral medicine in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of California, San Francisco.

The course comprises 24 lectures, each of approximately 30 minutes in length, and is divided into two parts. The first part focuses on physical health and covers topics such as nutrition, exercise, sleep, and strategies for weight management. Dr. Satterfield emphasizes the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and provides practical advice on how to incorporate healthy habits into one's daily routine. He also debunks common myths and misconceptions surrounding health and wellness, such as the effectiveness of fad diets and the role of supplements.

The second part of the course focuses on emotional health and covers topics such as stress management, mindfulness, self-compassion, and building resilience. Dr. Satterfield emphasizes the connection between emotional and physical health and the importance of addressing both aspects to achieve overall well-being. He provides evidence-based strategies for managing stress and anxiety, cultivating positive emotions, and developing a sense of purpose and meaning in life.

Throughout the course, Dr. Satterfield uses engaging visuals, real-life examples, and anecdotes to illustrate his points and make the content more relatable to viewers. He also incorporates interactive elements such as quizzes and exercises to encourage active learning and reflection.

One of the strengths of The Scientific Guide to Health and Happiness is its scientific rigor. Dr. Satterfield draws upon the latest research in psychology, neuroscience, and medicine to provide evidence-based recommendations and clarify misconceptions. He also emphasizes the importance of critical thinking and encourages viewers to evaluate the validity and relevance of health and wellness claims they come across in the media and popular culture.

Another strength of the course is its accessibility. Dr. Satterfield uses clear and concise language to explain complex concepts and does not assume prior knowledge or expertise in the subject matter. The course is also designed to be self-paced and flexible, allowing viewers to replay lectures and revisit specific topics as needed.

Overall, The Scientific Guide to Health and Happiness is a comprehensive and engaging course that provides viewers with practical tools and strategies for improving their physical and emotional health. Dr. Satterfield's expertise and engaging teaching style make the content accessible and relatable, while the scientific rigor ensures that viewers receive evidence-based recommendations that are relevant to their lives. Whether you are looking to make lifestyle changes, manage stress and anxiety, or cultivate positive emotions, this course offers something for everyone interested in improving their well-being.

The Scientific Guide to Health and Happiness is a series that ran for 1 seasons (24 episodes) between September 10, 2021 and on The Great Courses Signature Collection

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Finding a Doctor to Support Your Journey
24. Finding a Doctor to Support Your Journey
September 10, 2021
What do your health and healing have to do with your doctor? It turns out, a lot, but not in the ways you traditionally have thought. Learn about integrative medicine and the importance of having a partnership with a physician or practice that supports you and, most important, be ready to seek improvement.
Using Technology to Support Your Health
23. Using Technology to Support Your Health
September 10, 2021
Not too long ago, measuring health tenets with technology used to be the things of science fiction. Dr. Miller discusses the usage of personal monitoring devices, apps, fitness trackers, and genetic tests that are now widely accessible to all.
Healthy Management of Chronic Pain
22. Healthy Management of Chronic Pain
September 10, 2021
Chronic pain is one of the biggest barriers to the enjoyment of life. While it is complex to diagnose and medically treat pain, you will learn that it is far more critical to realize that chronic pain and disability do not have to prevent you from living a happy life.
Dance: Happy Exercise for the Whole Body
21. Dance: Happy Exercise for the Whole Body
September 10, 2021
We know that staying active is essential, but in this episode, Dr. Miller discusses why dance specifically offers impressive benefits from a health and happiness standpoint. Discover how you can use dance to prevent or halt neurodegenerative diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer's, even by a considerable percentage.
Music: Happy Stimulation for the Mind
20. Music: Happy Stimulation for the Mind
September 10, 2021
What does music have to do with health and happiness? Our brains and emotions are activated when listening to pleasant sounds and music. Study ways you can use music to influence your mood and behavior positively and as therapy for neurodegenerative disease.
What Is a Healthy and Happy Weight?
19. What Is a Healthy and Happy Weight?
September 10, 2021
Here, you will address the relationships between weight, health, and body image. While someone can be overweight and happy, the more complicated question is whether someone can be overweight and healthy. Consider this issue as Dr. Miller discusses the risks of obesity and dives into social standards, eating disorders, and permanent weight loss.
Have More Sex--for Health Reasons!
18. Have More Sex--for Health Reasons!
September 10, 2021
You might be surprised how much sexual health affects your happiness. Orgasm releases endorphins, and studies show this effect can last for hours afterward. Here, Dr. Miller discusses what it takes to have a healthy sex life, including frequency; fitness; and dysfunctions, and how to overcome those.
Faith, Prayer, and Spirituality in Health
17. Faith, Prayer, and Spirituality in Health
September 10, 2021
You need every tool in your arsenal against illness and unhappiness. Luckily, your mind is powerful and can be a great form of intervention. Dr. Miller explores the science of prayer and faith, presenting a study on bush baby primates that suggests intercessory prayer may come with healing properties.
Meditation for a Happy Mind and Body
16. Meditation for a Happy Mind and Body
September 10, 2021
Have you ever wondered how to grow biologically younger and how to become a happier, healthier you? Discover the ancient practice of meditation and create a connection to your inner self, activating your physical body.
Preventing and Managing Neurodegeneration
15. Preventing and Managing Neurodegeneration
September 10, 2021
Losing your mind is a fear that most adults experience as they grow older. When your brain is compromised, so is your happiness and health. Dr. Miller goes through neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's, dementia, and Parkinson's, giving solutions to prevent or slow the progression.
Building Community and Ending Loneliness
14. Building Community and Ending Loneliness
September 10, 2021
Did you know that loneliness is a predictor of early mortality? Social isolation and loneliness pose a health risk equivalent to smoking 15 cigarettes a day--higher than obesity. While there is no prescription for loneliness, here are ways we can build community and relationships to combat it.
Recognizing and Treating Depression
13. Recognizing and Treating Depression
September 10, 2021
Depression is becoming a global epidemic, and nobody is immune to this serious mental health illness. Understand the primary causes, from genetics to trauma to lifestyle, and find out about the most effective treatments currently available, including several emerging therapies that show great promise and success.
Sleep: Getting a Happy Night's Rest
12. Sleep: Getting a Happy Night's Rest
September 10, 2021
Good sleep may be the simplest improvement you can make to your health--and it's free. This episode covers sleep hygiene, sleep cycles, and sleep disorders to convince you that sleep is not a luxury but a vital component of your health and happiness.
Mushrooms: A Superfood for Well-Being
11. Mushrooms: A Superfood for Well-Being
September 10, 2021
Find out about this superfood that is often ignored but can be magical to your health: mushrooms. This is the one superfood that Dr. Miller recommends you start with. Not only do they have potent anti-carcinogenic powers, but they're also a fantastic way to nurture your microbiome, and they provide a host of benefits.
Do You Need to Take Supplements?
10. Do You Need to Take Supplements?
September 10, 2021
Multivitamins have become a booming business in the health industry. Dr. Miller challenges the efficacy of supplements, stating that while they can sometimes be helpful, often they either do nothing, or worse, cause harm. Find out which ones can assist with certain conditions and which ones to stay away from.
Fun Foods for Health and Happiness
9. Fun Foods for Health and Happiness
September 10, 2021
Is there room in a healthy diet for fun foods such as chocolate, wine, peanut butter, and sugar? Listen to the research and learn which of these foods are good additions to your diet, which foods are okay in moderation, and which foods are flat-out bad for your health.
Better Habits for Healthy Eating
8. Better Habits for Healthy Eating
September 10, 2021
With calories being cheap and abundant in society, the psychology behind healthy eating habits and attitudes becomes crucial. In this episode, find out the main reason why diets fail, and what you can do to structure your surroundings so that your habits support your efforts to maintain health and happiness.
Which Diet Is Best for Happiness?
7. Which Diet Is Best for Happiness?
September 10, 2021
In this episode, we discuss the concept of food as medicine. When it comes to your health, diet is your most important lifestyle choice--but is there one that's best for everybody? Dr. Miller discusses options, as well as a groundbreaking way to find out what works best for you.
The Microbiome: How Bacteria Keep Us Happy
6. The Microbiome: How Bacteria Keep Us Happy
September 10, 2021
Hippocrates once said, "All disease begins in the gut," and he may be proven right--Your gut houses 100 trillion microbes on average. These microbes communicate with your brain in ways we're just beginning to understand. Find out how your brain health, weight, and mood are tied to your microbiome.
The Gut: Our Second Brain
5. The Gut: Our Second Brain
September 10, 2021
Your heart may drive your happiness, but the road to happiness probably runs straight through your gut. Thought of as the second brain, your gut holds a significant key to your health. Discussed are common conditions that affect the gut and treatment ideas to improve your gut health.
Happy Heart, Healthy Heart
4. Happy Heart, Healthy Heart
September 10, 2021
Learn the intricate connection between your mood and bodily functions as it pertains to heart health. Failing to care for your heart health not only impacts your whole body but also decreases your lifespan as well; on the flip side, increasing happiness and decreasing stress lowers your risk of heart disease.
What Do We Know about Living Longer?
3. What Do We Know about Living Longer?
September 10, 2021
Our motivation to improve our health is driven by the desire to live longer, yet nobody wants to be old or endure the aging process. In this episode, we will look at how we can maintain happiness and satisfaction with life as we age by studying the aspects of longevity. The secret is in learning how to grow old without feeling old.
How Happiness Is Created in the Brain
2. How Happiness Is Created in the Brain
September 10, 2021
Like any other emotion, happiness is rooted in your brain. Here, we explore the inner workings and complexities of your brain to understand how happiness originates. Take a peek at your brain's physical structure and learn about neurotransmitters--the communication system that produces and manages your emotions.
The Health and Happiness Connection
1. The Health and Happiness Connection
September 10, 2021
Are health and happiness intertwined? In this opening episode, Dr. Robin Miller suggests they go hand in hand. She begins by defining health and happiness and then explores the areas of the world which report the most happiness. She explains the deep connection between happiness and your health, longevity, and even your genetics. #Better Living
Where to Watch The Scientific Guide to Health and Happiness
The Scientific Guide to Health and Happiness is available for streaming on the The Great Courses Signature Collection website, both individual episodes and full seasons. You can also watch The Scientific Guide to Health and Happiness on demand at Amazon Prime and Amazon.
  • Premiere Date
    September 10, 2021