The Rose of Versailles is a classic anime series from TMS that aired from 1979 to 1980. The show is a historical drama set in the time of the French Revolution and focuses on the life of a woman named Oscar Francois de Jarjayes, who is raised as a boy so she can become the commander of the Palace Guards of Versailles.
The show begins with Oscar's birth and her father's wish for a son to inherit his military legacy. As there are no male heirs, he decides to raise Oscar as a boy and make her the commander of the Palace Guards. Oscar grows up as a skilled swordsman and gains the respect of the people around her.
In the series, Oscar navigates the politics and intrigue of the court of Versailles as she protects Marie Antoinette, the queen of France, and becomes her confidante. Through her eyes, we see the luxurious lifestyle of the French aristocracy and the stark contrast of the poor and suffering citizens outside the palace gates.
Oscar is a complex character who struggles with her gender identity and her duty as a member of the guard. She is torn between her loyalty to the aristocracy and her sympathy for the oppressed people of France. Her journey throughout the series is one of self-discovery as she comes to terms with her identity and her place in society.
The Rose of Versailles is also notable for its portrayal of historical figures such as Marie Antoinette, Louis XVI, and Maximilien de Robespierre, among others. The show does not shy away from the darker aspects of the French Revolution and portrays the violence and chaos of the times accurately.
The animation style of The Rose of Versailles is unique for its time, with its use of detailed backgrounds and delicate character designs. The voice acting is also noteworthy, with Nachi Nozawa giving a memorable performance as Oscar and Keaton Yamada as the flamboyant Count Axel von Fersen.
The show's soundtrack is also iconic, with its sweeping orchestral score that perfectly captures the grandeur and drama of the story. The opening theme song, "Bara wa Utsukushiku Chiru" ("The Rose Falls Beautifully"), is a classic that is still beloved by fans today.
Overall, The Rose of Versailles is a masterpiece of anime and a landmark in the genre. Its themes of identity, duty, and revolution are timeless and resonate with audiences today. The show is a must-watch for fans of historical fiction, drama, and anime alike.
The Rose of Versailles is a series that ran for 1 seasons (40 episodes) between October 10, 1979 and on TMS
Premiere DateOctober 10, 1979
IMDB Rating8.3 (2,456)
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