The Repair Shop Season 4 Episode 7
The Repair Shop
Season 4

Ep 7. Penny-Farthing Bicycle

  • April 9, 2019
  • 44 min

In season 4 episode 7 of "The Repair Shop," the team takes on a unique challenge: a penny-farthing bicycle. The Victorian-era bicycle, with its large front wheel and small back wheel, is a rare and treasured possession of the owner. However, it has seen better days and is in desperate need of restoration.

The team starts by examining the bicycle and identifying its many issues. The wooden wheel rims are cracked and warped, the pedals aren't functioning properly, and the leather saddle is badly worn. The team members discuss their plan of attack and are excited to take on the challenge of restoring this historic bike to its former glory.

Steve Fletcher, the resident wheelwright, starts by repairing the wooden wheel rims. He carefully removes the metal spokes and replaces the damaged sections of the rim. He then sands and polishes the wooden rims to bring back their natural beauty. Meanwhile, Will Kirk, the resident metal worker, begins work on the pedals. He disassembles them and carefully removes any rust and corrosion. He then sands and polishes the metal parts before reassembling them into their proper working order.

Suzie Fletcher, the resident upholsterer, takes on the challenge of the leather saddle. She carefully removes it from the bicycle and examines it for any damage. She then repairs the cracked leather and stains it to match its original color. She also adds padding to the saddle to make it more comfortable for the rider.

The team members work together to reassemble the bicycle and ensure that all of its parts are in proper working order. They take the bicycle for a test ride and are pleased to find that it performs just as well as it did over a hundred years ago. The owner is overjoyed to have her beloved penny-farthing restored to its former glory and thanks the team for their hard work and dedication.

In addition to the penny-farthing, the team also takes on several other restoration projects in this episode. These include a historic grandfather clock, a traditional chopping board, and a Victorian-era easel. As always, the team is up for the challenge and works tirelessly to restore these objects to their former beauty.

Overall, season 4 episode 7 of "The Repair Shop" is a must-watch for anyone interested in restoration and preservation. The team's dedication to preserving these historic objects is truly inspiring, and their expertise and skill are unmatched. Whether you're a fan of penny-farthings or simply appreciate the art of restoration, this episode is sure to impress.

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  • First Aired
    April 9, 2019
  • Runtime
    44 min
  • Language