The Real Blac Chyna, a reality television show produced by Zeus Network, follows the dramatic, and at times chaotic, life of model, socialite, and entrepreneur, Blac Chyna. The show premiered on July 14, 2019, and features a range of personalities, including Blac Chyna's mother, Tokyo Toni, and her best friend, Treasure Thompson.
Throughout the series, viewers get an inside look on the struggles and triumphs of Blac Chyna, as she navigates through life with her family, friends, and professional commitments. The show starts off by introducing viewers to Blac Chyna's hustle and grind, showing her managing her businesses, which include a beauty line and a clothing store. Despite the many hurdles she has faced in her personal life, she is motivated and determined to succeed.
As the show progresses, the audience begins to understand the dynamic between Blac Chyna and her mother, Tokyo Toni. They have a complicated relationship, with very different opinions and a history of disagreements. There are many heated moments between the two, but it is apparent that they love each other and want to work things out. Despite the hardship, Tokyo Toni serves as Blac Chyna's closest confidante, often offering her a sense of comfort and humor that helps her persevere through her struggles.
In addition to her mother, Blac Chyna has a few solid friendships that viewers get to see in action. Especially with Treasure, who is another entrepreneur determined to create a successful business of her own. They live together and support each other through the ups and downs of being young women in the spotlight.
The Real Blac Chyna also delves into the star's romantic relationships, with several suitors vying for her attention throughout the series. However, when it was revealed that she had a brief relationship with rapper Soulja Boy off-camera, it caused a bit of a stir, creating some conflict among her friends and family.
Overall, the show portrays the challenges that arise from being in the public eye, while also highlighting the strength and resilience of its main character. Blac Chyna shares her experiences with the audience in a raw and unedited way, providing a glimpse into her journey through the good times and the bad.
In conclusion, The Real Blac Chyna is a reality show that follows the life of entrepreneur and socialite, Blac Chyna. The show takes viewers into her personal life, where they get to see the ups and downs of her relationships with her loved ones, including her mother, Tokyo Toni, and her best friend, Treasure Thompson. It also features the highs and lows of her business ventures, and the challenges she faces in her personal life. Overall, the show showcases the struggles and triumphs of being a successful businesswoman with a public image to maintain.
Premiere DateJuly 14, 2019
IMDB Rating5.3 (90)
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