Watch The Pride Show
- 2015
- 1 Season
The Pride Show is a vibrant and colorful television series that focuses on the LGBTQ+ community. The show is hosted by Taylor Barrett, a transgender model and activist, and Kat Blaque, a queer writer and social media personality. Together, they bring a fresh and insightful perspective to topics such as gender identity, sexuality, activism, and pop culture.
The Pride Show is a trailblazer in the world of LGBTQ+ television programming. The show aims to educate and entertain, to create a space where important and often taboo topics can be discussed openly and honestly. Each episode tackles a different theme or issue, with guests ranging from community leaders and activists to artists and performers.
One of the things that makes The Pride Show so unique is the blend of humor and seriousness. The hosts are unafraid to dive into complex topics while also using humor and wit to keep things entertaining. This makes the show accessible to a wide range of viewers, from those who are deeply involved in LGBTQ+ issues to those who are simply looking for an entertaining and informative experience.
Another strength of The Pride Show is its commitment to diversity and inclusivity. The hosts are both outspoken advocates for marginalized communities within the LGBTQ+ umbrella, such as trans people of color, non-binary individuals, and more. This is reflected in the show's guests and topics, which are carefully curated to represent a wide range of experiences and perspectives.
The production value of The Pride Show is also top-notch. The set is bright and colorful, with fun and playful graphics that add to the overall lively and upbeat tone of the show. The sound and lighting are also impeccable, making the show a pleasure to watch from a technical standpoint.
Overall, The Pride Show is a true gem in the world of LGBTQ+ television programming. Its commitment to education and inclusivity, along with its fun and lighthearted tone, make it an important and enjoyable part of the media landscape. Whether you are a member of the LGBTQ+ community or an ally, The Pride Show is a must-watch series that will leave you informed and entertained.