Watch The People's Court
- 1981
- 26 Seasons
6.4 (1,189)
The People's Court is a long-running television show that has provided its audience with entertaining and informative arbitration of small-claims disputes that otherwise would not have been resolved in a courtroom. The show has aired for over three decades, from 1981-1993 and from 1997-2023, and it is still going strong despite some changes in format and personnel across the years. The show's format is simple: Judge Wapner, Judge Koch, Judge Sheindlin or Judge Milian is the presiding judge who hears the cases, which are all real-life disputes brought to the show by participants from across the country. Each case is presented to the judge and decided on the basis of the law and the evidence presented by the litigants.
The People's Court received acclaim from critics and viewers alike due to its entertaining and informative format. The show is filmed in a real courtroom setting with a lively audience, and the cases are brought by real people with real complaints. The People's Court has made it possible for ordinary people to have their day in court and to have their disputes heard and resolved by a professional judge. The show has also been praised for its educational value, as it provides viewers with an insight into the functioning of the legal system and the rights and responsibilities of citizens in a democratic society.
Each episode of The People's Court features several small-claims disputes. The disputes are generally of a petty nature and involve issues such as car repairs, landlord-tenant disputes, and unpaid debts. The litigants are given the opportunity to present their side of the case in front of a judge, who analyzes the evidence and makes a ruling. Apart from the judge, the show also features a courtroom clerk who oversees the proceedings and maintains order in the courtroom.
Over the years, The People's Court has seen several judges preside over the courtroom, each with their own unique style and approach to arbitration. Judge Wapner was the show's original judge, and his no-nonsense approach to dispute resolution was greatly appreciated by viewers. He presided over the show from 1981 to 1993, and during this time, he established himself as one of the most respected judges on television. Judge Koch took over from Judge Wapner in 1997 and served as a judge until 1999. Judge Sheindlin took over from Judge Koch and was on the show from 1999 to 2001. Judge Marilyn Milian has been the show's judge since 2001 and has been highly popular with audiences due to her straightforward and frank approach to dispute resolution.
The show has also seen several changes in its format over the years. In the early years, the show mostly featured disputes between two individuals, with occasional cases involving companies or organizations. However, in more recent years, the show has expanded its scope to include disputes involving pets, car accidents, and personal injury claims. The show has also introduced courtroom guest commentators who offer their insights into the proceedings.
The People's Court has also been notable for its contribution to American pop culture. The show has been referenced in various films, television shows, and advertisements, and it has even inspired spinoffs such as Judge Judy and Judge Joe Brown. The show has also been the subject of parodies and imitations, and its iconic theme music has become a part of popular culture.
Overall, The People's Court has been a highly entertaining and informative show that has provided its audience with an insight into the functioning of the legal system. The show has been praised for its educational value and for its contribution to American pop culture. Its long-running history is a testament to its enduring popularity and the appeal of its unique format.