Watch The Other Two
- 2019
- 3 Seasons
7.8 (11,328)
The Other Two is a hilarious television series from Comedy Central that premiered in January 2019, created by Chris Kelly and Sarah Schneider. The show follows two siblings, Brooke (Heléne Yorke) and Cary (Drew Tarver), who are struggling to find their own success and purpose in life while their teenage brother, Chase Dreams (Case Walker), suddenly becomes a viral sensation overnight after one of his music videos goes viral. Although the show centers around Chase's rise to fame, the real humor comes from Brooke and Cary's failed attempts to ride his coattails into their own success.
Brooke is a former dancer who struggles with the transition into the real world after quitting her career due to injury, while Cary is an aspiring actor who can't seem to land a significant role in anything. The two siblings share a close bond, but their constant bickering and competitive nature towards each other reveals a relatable sibling dynamic that carries the show's humor.
As Chase's career takes off, Brooke and Cary are forced to navigate the life of being the "other two" - constantly overlooked and left to ride their more famous brother's coattails. The two struggle with their own desires for success while also wanting to support Chase's career, leading to several comical moments throughout the series.
One aspect that sets this show apart is the excellent casting - Drew Tarver and Heléne Yorke deliver dynamic performances as the two siblings, while newcomer Case Walker exudes a lovable and authentic charm as Chase Dreams. The stellar comedic timing from the entire cast combines with the sharp writing to make for an addictive series that will leave viewers wanting more.
Moreover, the show features a variety of supporting characters who are equally as delightful and add to the humor of the series. Ken Marino plays the completely out-of-touch talent agent, Streeter, who is convinced he knows what's best for Chase's career even if it means destroying the siblings' familial ties. Molly Shannon plays the eccentric publicist, Pat, who is tasked with improving the siblings' public image and creates a plethora of hysterical scenes throughout the show.
The show also features several cameos from real-life celebrities like Beck Bennett, Heidi Gardner, and Wanda Sykes, which injects an extra sense of authenticity to the show. Chris Kelly and Sarah Schneider have created a series that perfectly captures the essence of the absurdity and unpredictability of fame and blends it with hilarious antics that will have viewers laughing out loud.
In conclusion, 'The Other Two' is a perfect blend of heart and humor that explores fame, family dynamics, and the struggles of finding your own place in the world. The characters are lovable, the writing is superb, and the humor is fresh and relatable. The show takes viewers on a wild ride that will leave a smile on their faces long after the credits roll.
The Other Two is a series that ran for 3 seasons (30 episodes) between January 24, 2019 and on Comedy Central (US)