The Octonauts Season 2 Episode 19
The Octonauts
Season 2

Ep 19. The Manatees

  • May 16, 2013

The Octonauts season 2 episode 19, "The Manatees," takes the beloved crew of underwater explorers on a mission to rescue a group of manatees from a dangerous current. The episode begins with the Octonauts in their base, listening to the radio. They hear a report about a group of manatees who are in trouble due to a strong current caused by a big storm. The manatees are stuck in the current and unable to swim away, putting them in great danger.

The Octonauts quickly step into action, preparing their Gup vehicles for the rescue mission. Captain Barnacles leads the group, with Kwazii piloting the Gup-B and Peso, the medic, driving the Gup-D. They arrive at the location where the manatees are trapped and find the current to be incredibly strong, making it difficult to navigate the waters.

The crew quickly comes up with a plan to create a new current in the opposite direction to help the manatees swim away. Tweak, the engineer, uses the Gup-A to create a strong underwater fan to create the new current. Meanwhile, Dashi and Shellington monitor the manatees, making sure that they are safe and swimming in the right direction.

As the Octonauts work on their plan, they encounter other sea creatures who are also in danger due to the storm. They quickly take care of each situation, demonstrating their expertise in helping all forms of sea life.

Throughout the episode, viewers learn more about the manatees and their habitat. The Octonauts explain that manatees need to breathe air and cannot survive in water that is too cold. They also express the importance of protecting the manatees from dangers such as boats and humans.

As the Octonauts continue to work on their plan, a group of humans in a motorboat arrive on the scene. The humans are amazed to see the Octonauts and the manatees and ask questions about what is happening. The Octonauts kindly explain the situation to the humans, reminding them of the importance of preserving marine life.

With the help of the strong current created by the Gup-A, the manatees are finally able to swim away from the danger. The Octonauts celebrate their success and head back to their base, where the manatees are released into a safe and protected area.

"The Manatees" is a heartwarming episode of The Octonauts that not only teaches important environmental lessons but also highlights the teamwork and expertise of the Octonauts crew. Through their efforts, the manatees are saved and returned to their natural habitat, and the importance of taking care of marine life is emphasized to viewers.

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  • First Aired
    May 16, 2013
  • Language