The Occult History of the Third Reich is a fascinating and comprehensive documentary series that explores one of the most controversial and disturbing aspects of the Nazi regime. Narrated by the late British actor Patrick Allen, the series takes viewers on a journey through the mystical beliefs and practices that were at the heart of Adolf Hitler's vision for a new world order.
The series is divided into four hour-long episodes, each of which explores a different aspect of the Nazis' obsession with the occult. The first episode, entitled "The Enigma of the Swastika," delves into the origins of this ancient symbol and its transformation into the emblem of the Nazi party. Viewers will learn how Hitler and his inner circle believed that the swastika represented the key to unlocking the power of the Aryan race, and how they appropriated magical and mystical traditions from cultures across the globe to reinforce their vision of a superior Germanic civilization.
In the second episode, "The SS: Blood and Soil," viewers will learn about the mystical beliefs and practices of the SS, Hitler's feared paramilitary organization. From the Ahnenerbe society, an organization dedicated to investigating the ancient Germanic past and the occult roots of Nazism, to the Wewelsburg castle, a bizarre mystical center where SS leaders conducted secret rituals and experiments, this episode presents a disturbing portrait of the SS's strange and dangerous mission.
The third episode, "The Runic Mysteries," explores the role of ancient Germanic runes in Nazi ideology. From the Futhark alphabet, which Hitler believed held the keys to Aryan magic, to the Wewelsburg's "Black Sun" symbol, a mysterious emblem representing the devil's wheel of fate, this episode provides an in-depth look at the twisted symbolism and mystical beliefs that underpinned Nazi philosophy.
Finally, in the fourth episode, "The Search for the Holy Grail," viewers will learn about the Nazis' obsession with ritualistic murder and human sacrifice. From the "Night of the Long Knives," a gruesome purge of political opponents in which spiritual leaders were among the victims, to the bizarre and brutal experiments conducted by SS doctors, this episode highlights the darkest and most twisted aspects of Nazi occultism.
Overall, The Occult History of the Third Reich is a fascinating and disturbing exploration of one of the least understood and most unsettling aspects of Nazi ideology. Through rare archival footage, expert testimony, and detailed analysis, the series sheds light on the twisted and dangerous beliefs that drove Hitler's quest for power, and provides a cautionary tale for anyone tempted by the allure of occultism and mysticism.
The Occult History of the Third Reich is a series that ran for 1 seasons (8 episodes) between August 1, 1992 and on FilmRise
CastPatrick Allen
Premiere DateAugust 1, 1992
IMDB Rating7.1 (286)
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