Watch The New York Times
- 2011
The New York Times is an American made newspaper whose motto is “All the News That’s Fit to Print”. And it has been successfully in print since 1851. Over those years, The New York Times has won a multitude of publishing awards, including 112 Pulitzers, and is one of the most popular publications in the U.S.
The New York Times also has an internet edition of its printed version which includes blogs, opinion polls and videos. The internet version is also one of the top news sites in the country with over 30 million visitors every month.
Arthur Ochs Sulzberger Jr. is the current publisher and chairman of The New York Times. His family has run the paper since acquiring it in 1894. The paper has numerous sections covering topics related to News, Opinions, Business, Arts, Science, Sports, Style, Home, and Features. Even though most papers switched to a six column format many years ago, The New York Times stayed with a traditional eight column format that had earned its nickname ‘The Gray Lady’.