The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh Season 1 Episode 40

Ep 40. GroundPiglet Day

  • March 4, 1989

In this episode, the gang learns about GroundPiglet Day, a holiday similar to Groundhog Day where Piglet predicts the end of winter. Piglet is nervous about his prediction abilities, but his friends encourage him to have confidence in himself. However, when he sees his shadow and predicts six more weeks of winter, the gang becomes upset and starts to resent Piglet. Eventually, they realize their behavior was unfair and apologize to Piglet. Together, they come up with a solution to make winter more enjoyable and celebrate GroundPiglet Day despite the extended winter. The episode ends with a heartwarming musical number about friendship and the importance of sticking together.

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  • First Aired
    March 4, 1989
  • Language