Watch The Mueller Report: A Turning Point (News Special)
- 1969
The Mueller Report: A Turning Point is a news special that aired on CBS All Access. This special report is dedicated to the release of the historic investigative report from former FBI Director Robert Mueller regarding Russian interference in the 2016 United States presidential election.
The hour-long program is hosted by CBS News' journalists and anchors who provide context and analysis of Mueller's nearly 450-page report. The special provides a glimpse into the legal and political implications of the report as well as features interviews with experts, politicians, legal professionals and journalists who provide insight into the significance of the event.
The report covers Mueller's investigation into Russian interference in the election, allegations of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, and possible obstruction of justice by President Donald Trump. The report is filled with redactions, and the special provides a detailed breakdown of what exactly was redacted and why it matters.
The program also delves into Mueller's background and reputation as a former FBI director, and his ethical principles and values that guided the report. The special report also takes a look at President Trump's response to the report and the ongoing debate in Congress on impeachment.
The special report uses archival footage from previous news reports and interviews with key political figures, journalists, and legal experts. The interviews include insight from Senator Lindsey Graham, former FBI Director James Comey, and former US Attorney Preet Bharara.
The program also features analysis from legal scholars such as Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz on what the report means for the country's legal system.
Overall, The Mueller Report: A Turning Point provides a comprehensive look into the report which had major implications for the United States and its place in the world as well as the current administration. The special provides a strong analysis and background of an important event in the country's recent history.